I just breed him to a female that i got from red island here on the forum. The female came from his yellow body line so I will have offspring in about 8 monthes.
I use a fan to circulate the air on all my chams, In both my walk in plant room and my cages in the house they seem to like the fresh air and often hang out were there is a breeze. I am not blowimg a fan full blast on them. i am just moveing the air.
pin light
Yes, If you shine a small pin light from the top you can see in the side of the egg. You might not see any veins but if they are fertile you will see a mass and a little pinkesh color.
1 year
I have had infertile eggs look good for 1 year before they went bad. They even gained size and were nice and white. all you can do is pin light them and wait it out.
Couldn't you just PM chamtrainer, he knows were to buy 7month olds that are full grown and colored up you don't even have to wait and see what color they will be !!!!!
it's not about trusting you. it's just not possible, he might of sold you a breeder that he had but 7 monthes no and did you hatch him an watch him grow? i am not try to be any way but i have raised a few baby's.