Maybe it is the somewhat shady husbandry behind letting a chameleon eat an anole. Although I am not completely against the idea, I would want to make sure that the anole lunch was parasite free. Just a guess.. was the anole a wild caught meal?
Thanks for the link.
It seems the first pictures match this description, with the green bars. The only thing that seems a bit bizarre is the U shaped bar, so indicative of the Sambava.
The others, though, they have red bars (or blue bars) without the U's. These are also acceptable...
I have always used red lights with mine.. never had a problem with production. I just cut out a dome-sized hole in the container I am using.. and then tape the dome and all to the container. Works out fine for me.
This is the first dubia setup that I ever made.. I still use it today, minus the...
Do you have a lid for the container? The males will pop up and may be able to get out of the cage when they are excited.. :)
I am currently keeping my dubias without heat in the hopes that they will slow down on production. Doesn't seem to have much affect, though. Every time I look there...
It isn't illegal to have a grasshopper farm. It is just illegal to ship grasshopper species over state lines, if the state they are going through or being shipped to doesn't already have a population of them.
I remove all the chams, dig up any eggs, and do this when I see too many pest bugs in the leaf enclosures.
Cool thing is.. the plants really do well after a treatment.
Hey.. :)
I just looked up Ampiskiana panthers, because I had not a fricking clue as to what coloring they would be when they grew up.
So, I looked at a bunch of sites.. and I still don't.
Here is one site that has them.. nice green bars, U shaped bar in the center.. good looking panthers...
Easy solution.. don't look at the "fake" chameleon pictures, then.
The contest is competitive. End of story there. Folks snapping pictures from their cell phone aren't going to have a great shot at winning. I have placed in the top three a few times, and I don't own a great camera. Just a...
My first 7th generation brevs hatched about 2 weeks ago. I have used UVB throughout. My enclosures use Reptisun 5.0's that are between 6 months to a year old. I rotate them when I replace lights on my larger cham species cages.
The size of cage you mention should work very well for a pair...
There are several ways to keep chameleons successfully. Brevs can be kept in aquariums and live out happy little brev lives.
I have 2 WC brevs that have been with me for 3+ years. No idea how old they are, because they came to me WC. They live in the aquarium and show no signs of slowing down.
I keep mine with "old" reptisun 5.0's. By old, I mean 6 mo. to a year.. after that, I toss em and use "new" old bulbs. I keep two large terrariums of pygmies and they do very well. They are old established colonies at this point.. at one time, I kept track of generations, but now I just feed...
I was lucky enough to trade for one of Storm's daughters. I held back a few of her babes that I am growing up with hopes of that coloration. Still too young to really tell yet. Good coloration, just not sure if any will be bright yellow.
I am afraid there isn't much hope for that chameleon. I would be surprised if it makes it through the night.
Any kind of help you try to give it will stress it out. Can it hold onto a branch? It would be more comfortable doing that than lying on a paper towel.. even if you set the branch on...
Hi.. it sounds like your chameleon has an upper respiratory infection.
In my opinion, the best thing you can do for him between now and Saturday is to make sure he is hydrated. Have you seen the chameleon drink?
Answering the questions Brad has listed could only help, as we may be able to...
Flies are great food for chams.
Easy to gutload flies, too, because they eat anything. When the fly poo is the same color as your gutload, you can be pretty sure they are ready to be fed.. :D
There are a couple places that sell them that I have used. My favorite is spiderpharm.. great people...
If you had 2 black dots in the egg, those eggs are fertile. The two black dots were the eyes of the cham. And, if there are veins in there, then there is a cham in there. Quit messing with them.. you may still get a hatch if you snap lids on those containers. Humidity is normally pretty low...