Dragon flys?

yeah, ive never done it though but ive caught dragonfly larvae and kept them for a few days because theyre cool to watch, and now being dragonfly season you can barely breath without inhaling a dragonfly (at least here you cant)
As someone said, dragonflies don't sting, but they do bite, and it can be particularly nasty, so be careful if you do decide to use them.

I don't know if you yanks have water butts, but if you do, they'll breed in there perfectly. Used to get loads in my old mans!

For whomever asked, locusts are illegal in USA as they can successfully survive and reproduce in parts of the USA whereas over here in the UK they have no hope. Too cold at night for them to do any damage and to reproduce successfully.

Grasshoppers are similar to locusts in many respects, but they don't have the 'swarm' mentality that locusts do. They're found in large numbers, not because 'they' do so for protection (as locusts do leading to the dreaded 'plague swarms' - they actually swarm because they're scared that they're going to eat each other - yes, it is odd!) but because it is the best place to be!
dragonflies dont have long life cycles to begin with thats why they sell larvae, and no grasshoppers are in a tottally different family, you could start a grasshopper farm it'd just be illegal ;)

The adult dragonfly lives about a month and some species to 4 months.
That's pretty long for me (compared to flies :D).
The nymph is just crazy... 1 - 4 years (again depending on the species).. sheesh.. it will take almost my chameleon's life time to actually feed him a CB Dragon Fly.

If chameleons can handle praying mantis, somehow I feel they can handle dragonfly.
Chameleon do aim for the insects head and immediately crush them to avoid getting bitten.
well not here in Fl, here they only live about a week or two. *shrugs* i guess even that is kind of long, when the big swarms come here in a month or so ill try to post a vid of my chams eating dragons.
well not here in Fl, here they only live about a week or two. *shrugs* i guess even that is kind of long, when the big swarms come here in a month or so ill try to post a vid of my chams eating dragons.

O so lucky! I used to love catching dragonflies when I was a kid.
I have never seen a single one in Los Angeles... seriously..
haha I still qualify as a kid even though im a little older but still go outside and catch dragonflies when in season.
haha I still qualify as a kid even though im a little older but still go outside and catch dragonflies when in season.

I remember my father taught me the weirdest method on how to catch a dragonfly without a net.
You sneak behind them and slowly point your index finger at them and rotate it for a while. and, then the dragonfly will get dizzy :D
See how silly? But, oddly it worked... he caught so many dragonflies that way.

I realize from googling last night. Apparently, dragonflies have eyesight that can detect movement so well. I guess it follows my dad's finger movement and get sick. :D
I swear it's true..
dragonflies dont have long life cycles to begin with thats why they sell larvae, and no grasshoppers are in a tottally different family, you could start a grasshopper farm it'd just be illegal ;)

It isn't illegal to have a grasshopper farm. It is just illegal to ship grasshopper species over state lines, if the state they are going through or being shipped to doesn't already have a population of them.
I remember my father taught me the weirdest method on how to catch a dragonfly without a net.
You sneak behind them and slowly point your index finger at them and rotate it for a while. and, then the dragonfly will get dizzy :D
See how silly? But, oddly it worked... he caught so many dragonflies that way.

I realize from googling last night. Apparently, dragonflies have eyesight that can detect movement so well. I guess it follows my dad's finger movement and get sick. :D
I swear it's true..

hmmm, sounds fishy ;), ill try it though and tell you how it works, i couldnt help but laugh when you said that though.

so you just move your finger in a circle or your hand? fast or slow? i wanna get this right so i can try it. do they like fall to the ground or not fly properly?
hmmm, sounds fishy ;), ill try it though and tell you how it works, i couldnt help but laugh when you said that though.

so you just move your finger in a circle or your hand? fast or slow? i wanna get this right so i can try it. do they like fall to the ground or not fly properly?

move your finger. not too fast (cause you gonna scare the dragonflies), medium speed :D
they just not fly properly and kinda dizzy.
lemme know if it works for you :D
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