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  1. Ninkylou

    No uvb for a long time???

    I know lots have people have had input and I think you are doing great responding to it. Another thing that is really important is what you feed your feeders. The Flukers cubes are really not very nutritious. Prior to feeding you should give your crickets fresh fruits and veggies and perhaps...
  2. Ninkylou

    when will fl chams have more baby ambanja panther chameleons available?

    I would suggest you send them an email and ask. They have a contact email on the website.
  3. Ninkylou


    He really is stunning.
  4. Ninkylou

    Enclosure location?

    I like to have my boys near me. I am also up early and they are heading to bed when I get home. I cover their enclosures after they are settled in for the night. I use a large dark colored tablecloth that I got on clearance at Target (while they were stealing my credit card information)... I...
  5. Ninkylou

    what a difference 2 months makes!

    Creamsicle...his orange is
  6. Ninkylou


    i have one that doesn't mind and comes to an outstretched hand and another that hates me and tries to escape whenever I reach in to the enclosure
  7. Ninkylou

    SHAZAAM! A very unique Ambilobe

    I will be wanting one of those babies for sure...I think I want a female from him. Is he a Blue Bar? Put me on your list too please. I am happy to wait a year. Guess I would need to make sure he is not related to either of my boys if I wanted to breed her.
  8. Ninkylou

    Too wet for pathos

    I also mix my soil 2:1:.25 soil:sand:activated charcoal. It has helped my plants immeasurable and there I have tons of drainage holes on the bottoms and the sides of my pots.
  9. Ninkylou

    Dormant/Frozen Crickets

    I would use an insulated lunch bag and a heat pack to keep them warm in transit. I have used the thermocare heat wraps in a pinch there don't give off much heat and are pretty cheap.
  10. Ninkylou

    sick veiled, maybe mbd?

    Welcome to the forum! You want the temperature to drop at night so unless the room is really cold, 50s to 60s they do not need heat at night. More importantly they should not have light, even red night light, they need the darkness. You will need to invest in a larger enclosure soon as...
  11. Ninkylou

    Pascal is becoming progressively less active

    I'm sure the experts are going to want more information so they can help you. Follow this link and complete the form. Pictures are also really great for them to see hydration status and things.
  12. Ninkylou

    Feeders from PetSmart?

    My petsmart 'guestimates' time I asked for 25 and am certain I got about 150....I never get shorted. They just eyeball the number. I say they should bar code them and then they can scan them as they jump into the bag..... I always initiate a new clerk..I tell her that I want crickets...
  13. Ninkylou

    Feeders from PetSmart?

    I agree with Nick, but want to add if your chams are young and the crickets you buy in bulk online out grow their feeding needs your are stuck with a lot of stinky, noisy bugs....well that was my mistake... I buy my dubias, supers, horns etc online but, since I don't feed a high percentage of...
  14. Ninkylou

    Does anyone use this?

    It has the door but it does not open as readily as the one on the reptibreeze. I occasionally use it but not as a rule. I do however use a shop vac for cleaning, so its not as big of an issue.
  15. Ninkylou

    Participation Medal-- for us losers

    Hey my name is Nancy....LOL
  16. Ninkylou

    Be carefull

    Do Jackson's eat greenery? I wonder if it might have been some toxic plant. Some toxics thin the blood and can cause hemorrhage. I hope the cham is ok and he is able to find out and fix the cause(if it was some external influence) before its too late.
  17. Ninkylou

    How much did you pay?

    It's a long expensive boat or plane ride across the Atlantic...
  18. 2013-11-19 09.27.56

    2013-11-19 09.27.56

  19. Marshawn


    Climbing from my makeshift free range
  20. Member Album by Ninkylou

    Member Album by Ninkylou

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