Participation Medal-- for us losers


Avid Member
I can't tell you how many times I've entered the photo contest and lost :p lol.

I still think there should be a participation medal for everyone who enters the contest. Just to show the world we tried :)
I know it sucks not to ever win, but there are so many great looking chams and awesome pictures out there it really is tough! I just hope to get a few votes when I enter, but even if I get blanked I still am proud of my little guy ;).

As for participation medals, I don't think that would be a great solution. Its tough to choose between so many great shots, and I'm sure its difficult enough to narrow the field, but those who finally do win the gold have really done something special!

I've never been a big fan of giving an award to all the kids in the little league just for showing up. It sucks to be on the bad news bears, but if you get an award for it anyway what's the point??? How many times have we posted pictures in the general photography section and gotten compliments? That's enough for me! :D If I ever do win one of the contests it will mean more to me just knowing that I took a great picture and the community thought so too.

Keep trying to get that great shot and one day it just might happen! :) Now, if only I could find my chameleon... :mad:
I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I am HAPPY to look over photos and offer advice on how to at least get into the voting round. I'm not a NatGeo photographer or anything but could at least help give tips or help choose which photo to submit.

Usually it's silly, easy stuff to fix like having human things in the background (the screen from a cage, an extension cord, part of a sofa, etc.) or making sure the photo is in focus, or at least the important part of the image, usually the eyes.

So seriously, my PM box is always open, as it were lol. I'm happy to help people if they want.
I cannot respond how I wanted to to this. I will get banned.

LOL me too. Kind of a reflection of the world today isn't it?

Nothing negative implied to the OP- I just find the request humorous.

OP- keep trying. Read about photography, get ideas from others' pictures, learn about photographic composition, lighting, angles, think about colors and shadows and light direction. I'll bet you win sometime if you keep at it. Take up Olympia's generous offer to help in this thread. Even if you never win, what you learn will be worth lots more to you as a person than a participation award.
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LOL me too. Kind of a reflection of the world today isn't it?

Nothing negative implied to the OP- I just find the request humorous.

OP- keep trying. Read about photography, get ideas from others' pictures. I'll bet you win sometime if you keep at it. Take up Olympia's generous offer to help in this thread. Even if you never win, what you learn will be worth lots more to you as a person than a participation award.

It really is. and it upsets me a little. xD
Seems like the OP's request was intended to be humorous :D

Competition is so strong, I have been too nervous to submit a photo. The folks here take really good photos! My Ferdinand is just so photogenic though... Maybe I will PM you, Olympia!
I took it as a little dark humor as well. The OP has some great shots of his guys in his albums- maybe we will see a winner soon! I can't seem to get a shot of mine with eyeballs facing forward so I would say my chances are slim...
Seems like the OP's request was intended to be humorous :D

Competition is so strong, I have been too nervous to submit a photo. The folks here take really good photos! My Ferdinand is just so photogenic though... Maybe I will PM you, Olympia!
Oh gosh, we can only hope!!

I took it as a little dark humor as well. The OP has some great shots of his guys in his albums- maybe we will see a winner soon! I can't seem to get a shot of mine with eyeballs facing forward so I would say my chances are slim...

You could always get a cricket and put it on your camera ;D
Geeze guys, can't handle a little kidding around :p

why ya gotta be all negative nancy on whats supposed to be a lighthearted post. :p

Because sadly, there are people out there who really feel like this xD and they're the type of people I want to stab with a spork, into their eyeballs xD
Because sadly, there are people out there who really feel like this xD and they're the type of people I want to stab with a spork, into their eyeballs xD

Weapon of choice
I have given this a lot of though, and you are right. I have infiltrated the chameleon forum headquarters and decided to grant your request. :cool: So here it is...

OBNOXIOUS AWARD (444x620).jpg

I too hope to be so lucky to receive one some day. Don't tell Brad! :D
It's not always about the camera ;D As long as you have good lighting, you can do anything. Bwahahahaha.

I'm so not a pot stirrer!
I'm afraid to photograph my Cham. Maybe this summer when she is allowed to go outside to get some sun. Until then I love looking at everyone's stuff. You all have great looking chams.
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