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  1. jenstar

    Ink's New Enclosure

    I have a shefflera (umbrella plant), pathos, and i don't remember the other except that it's safe.. they are in the pot they came in with river rocks on the top so he doesn't eat the soil.
  2. jenstar

    Ink's New Enclosure

    So I just built Ink a new home and he seems to be loving it. Now if only I could find where he's pooping.. lol
  3. jenstar

    Mistking mister issues

    That's what Marty is telling the poster to do.. and no need to be rude and speak like he's not reading these posts. He's just trying to help and without any other information, this is all he can recommend with the problem the poster is providing.
  4. jenstar

    Drainage Help

    As I said, this is what I am using right now and I am setting up a reptibreeze tomorrow, the bottom is PVC and I don't own a drill.. I was just wondering if there was other options.. the cupboard thing it is on won't be easy to make a hole through without a drill.. Thanks for the comments though :)
  5. jenstar

    Drainage Help

    Ya, I saw that post when you posted it :) That will work great to catch the water.. it's just getting the water to it...
  6. jenstar

    Drainage Help

    Hey guys so I'm setting up my new 2x2x4 Reptibreeze tomorrow and need some help on a drainage system. I've included a picture of what my current setup is to help you get an idea of what I'm working with. I thought about drilling a hole in the cupboard thing it will sit on as there is an opening...
  7. jenstar

    is this a real video...

    If you want to see something that can change it's colour super fast, check this out...
  8. jenstar

    Need Drainage...

    I dip it onto a vine and a big theatre cup that it drains into, i also use the cup to fill the dripper so it can't over flow. I made the mistake of dripping it into my plant only to find an inch of water at the bottom of my cage.. Thank God I and using a glass terrarium or my living room would...
  9. jenstar

    My new Monsoon

    Hey Kellen, could you post a video of the system spraying with an up close of the mist? I am saving up for a mist king but wouldn't mind saving money if this works just as well. They also sell them in stores here so i wouldn't need shipping. One other thing, how's the sound of it? Loud, quiet...
  10. jenstar

    Who else is excited?

    ya but the size of him and the tank work out.. when you see him standing in the tank, he looks like a mini chameleon lol and i don't think he is considered a baby in the movie.. however, his husbandry is all wrong lol
  11. jenstar

    Enclosure question.

    Why are they junk?
  12. jenstar


    i currently dust mine with plain calcium w/o d3 every day and then the calcium w/d3 and the multivitamin twice a month. :)
  13. jenstar

    Good camera

    Hey, I'm looking for a good camera. My little exilim casio is not the quality i once thought it was. I heard the SLRs are good but I don't know much. If anyone is in the market to get a better camera and would like to get rid of their old one, let me know. I also live in Canada. I also have a...
  14. jenstar

    Ink eating a silk worm

    I'm only using it cause he's a baby. I already have a 2x2x4 foot reptibreeze for when he gets a bit bigger. I actually was going to set it up the other day only to find there were no screws (there should have been but i got it second hand and they must have forgot to put them back in the box)...
  15. jenstar

    Rango: A Chameleon Movie

    Yup, chams are becoming more popular.. In "Tangled" Rapunzel has a pet cham named Pascal and before 4 months ago, I never even thought of getting a cham as a pet.
  16. jenstar

    Ink eating a silk worm

    Just thought I'd share :)
  17. jenstar

    Biting Branch?

    I posted a thread like this a while back as my cham was doing to same thing. It basically came down to that it was normal and as long as he's not able to chew pieces off, it's fine.
  18. jenstar

    March Contest Theme

    LOLchams please :)
  19. jenstar

    Little White bugs on him

    You don't need substrate at all. May cause impaction if ingested.
  20. jenstar

    What to do about lazy crickets?

    Ya mine all venture to the bottom when i first put them in too but because i have some vines that touch the floor, i will come back later and find them throughout the ficus i have. I also went to walmart in the craft section and bought a piece of plastic canvas and leaned it against the glass...
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