Have you tried Home Depot or Lowes for live plants? Most of the midwest stores have had tropicals in for several weeks now, including ficus, pothos, & possibly hibiscus (though I haven't seen that one at my store yet). They're cheap (I just bought an awesome 4ft Ficus Alii for $17), you don't have to worry about shipping (and no shipping fee!), and you actually get to see what you're buying. They usually have a very nice selection and healthy plants if you go in late winter/early spring before it's all picked over, or during the weeks they receive new shipments. They should all be washed with a mild dishsoap solution to remove anything that could harm your cham, replanted in organic soil, and have the base covered in river rocks so he can't ingest soil.
I've tried Wal-Mart lol and they hardly had anything at all. A few pothos but that's it and the pothos where tiny things climbing up an ugly board. Believe it or not the closest Lowes or Home Depot to me is about 60 miles so before going, I called them and they acted like I was stupid for trying to find a live plant in January so I never bothered to make the drive to check it out.
I was thinking about getting one of walmarts ugly pothos to hold him over until spring but I honestly don't know how it would benefit his habitat any. The plants they have are seriously pathetic looking.