in response to the color of the container... i might wrap it with duct tape so it has no shine to it.. sounds like a good plan...
i am not real worried... it will just be a patient process... once he eats his first one he will be addicted to them most likely...
first some back round:
hi my name is matt...recently bought a BB Red Body Ambilobe Male from Kaleidoscope Chams...roughly 5 months old...he is housed in a 24x24x48 enclosure...i know might be a little big...but i honestly didnt want to have to buy a new cage later unless it was for a whole...
well thanks... anything is helpful ... i know i am going to have to watch it for a day or 2 now before the cham comes. when he does i will have to again which i am fine with. when the cold weather hits the state i will have to again...
i will start with the lower wattage... n play with it...
i am new to Chameleons..i am going to be buying one soon...probably 5-6 month old Ambilobe...cage is set up..i would post pics but the camera is not working well...
ok well the cage it self it 24x24x48
the current temp in the room is like 78-82 right the way i live in Pa..and i...
hi my name is Matt...I am 24...when i was real young i used to raise turtles and frogs...and I am now...I've got all my bases covered for now seeing how this forum has lots of information from people posting information...I am in the process of looking for a Cham to buy...if i had to pick a...