proper wattage for heating


New Member
i am new to Chameleons..i am going to be buying one soon...probably 5-6 month old Ambilobe...cage is set up..i would post pics but the camera is not working well...

ok well the cage it self it 24x24x48

the current temp in the room is like 78-82 right the way i live in Pa..and i know come winter the temps will be different but i will deal with it when it gets cooler out...

i want to run it by people who have experience..i would think i would only need like 40-60 watt heat i right? i mean i dont want to basking temp to exceed like 90..bc it wouldnt be full grown i would shoot for like 88ish...

i havent gotten my mist king in the mail..i would think that would cool it off some...

i just want the enclosure to be up and running a few days before i purchase so i can tweak it before i purchase
I am not sure anyone can answer that question. It really depends on your setup. You are in the range with the 40-60w bulb, but it really depends.

Diferent fixtures sometimes produce different baskings temps, how close the light is to the basking spot also changes the temp.

Get yourself a good reliable digital thermometer, and a couple different watt bulbs and try them out till you hit the desired temperature. Moving the fixtures closer or farther from the basking spot will also aid in reaching your desired temp. You may have to adjust it again once the winter months arrive depending on your ambient house temps.
well thanks... anything is helpful ... i know i am going to have to watch it for a day or 2 now before the cham comes. when he does i will have to again which i am fine with. when the cold weather hits the state i will have to again...

i will start with the lower wattage... n play with it some... i would imagine most people on here have to tweak their lighting/heating every so often to keep optimum conditions for that. Heck I imagine everyone tweaks a lot of other things that i might not have to. it is a case by case situation. I think of this whole thing as an experience and fun.

i do have a Flukers Digital Therm/Hydro...i know it is good but if it gets wet it is junk..but i am going to borrow my Uncles Temp gun for awhile till i buy my own

thanks again
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