i'm working late tonight so my boyfriend fed pokey for me. but while he was feeding him he recorded it with his iphone and sent me a link to it :D
it made my day to see my baby while i'm stuck at work :)
thanks guys. it makes me feel better that i'm not the only one confused by this :)
hes acting and eating normal. so i'll just keep an eye out for anything strange i guess :confused:
i just got home from work and was looking around Pokey's cage (Ch. Trioceros Fuelleborni) and found a fresh dropping on a leaf. i had to take pictures i've never seen this before. i did a quick search on here for clear feces and found nothing. its clear and very gel like, it held its form when...
thats a great idea. drip it off of her chin. shes not a jackson, my female annie is a resuce veiled i've had for a couple months, but i will try that same idea with her. it makes sense, and is worth a try... at this point anything is worth a try. :o
thank you!
shes doing better but her inprovements have slowed. she still closes her eyes and she still won't drink water. i left her with constant dripping water, since i've tried just about everything else, for 2 days. by the end of the 2nd day when i tried to feed her, her tongue didn't work and her eyes...
honestly, i didn't read all of the replys, but i use a Mega-Ray SB 100 watt Self-Ballasted Flood UVB Lamp (http://www.reptileuv.com/megaray-sb-100-watt-self-ballasted-flood-uvb-lamp.php) for my Flapjack. his humidity is pretty high; his cage in 3 feet tall x 2 x2. his basking spot is about a...
not all, but i had to with butterworms. then she ate 10 by herself right after. she doesn't know a whole lot of foods and shes just getting her sight back. for a few weeks i had to hand feed her everything. thats the only reason shes alive today. i don't feel bad about it at all. i still have...
well she wouldn't try the watermelon and was actually scared of it, so i opened her mouth and put a little piece halfway inside her lips so she could spit it out if she didn't like it. my dads motto when i was growing up was "try everything once or else you don't know if you'll like it" after...