I have cats and chameleons, but I keep the chameleons in the spare room with the door shut. When I get the chams out I shut the cats in my bedroom/bathroom. I seen my sister's dog give a kitten a bath and take a nap with a him. Then after 5 months one day she decided he was lunch. Some things...
I have been trying to talk my son into choosing a new name of one of our veiled chameleons. I chose the name Kermit and my son chose Rango. I hated the name Rango but he finally decided he liked the name Beaker. I guess now we are following a Muffet theme. Not sure if Beaker liked his new name...
Please do post videos when you get this setup. I hate leaving my babies, and I've only had them 3 weeks. I keep hoping it will be easier when they are older. But that cam idea might help more.
I have checked both of the plants. One is a type of dracaena, and the other is a sword fern. There's some grape vine in there but, I'm going to add more. I have some of those bendable reptile vines, and bamboo rods.
My fiance just finished one of my new enclosures! My two little guys will be separtated tomorrow. Here's the picture! I'm thinking I might have to add more cover. But it's 4 foot high, by 3 foot high, and 2 foot deep. Kermit is going to love it.
Here's the one that Rango my other veiled...
What is your question? If you wanna know if it's male it will have spurs on his back feet. If you post a pic of his back feet someone can tell you for sure.
I think that was what was confusing me. I know it's the locale that they came from, but wasn't sure if the different nosy locales were just morphs or if they were all different locales?