Chameleon Cake!


Staff member
My mom made me a chameleon cake!! Chocolate frosting over yellow cake, and the cham and his perch are out of colored frosting. I think it's adorable and just wanted to share! :D

You have a very talented and artistic Mum, well done Mum!
Hope it tasted as good as it looked! Special occasion? :)
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That is cool. Look down from the cake to the avatar for the first person posting. Do they look alike or what.
Wow - what a cool mom you have. She's also very talented - loving the color scheme she did with the stripes, the white lateral line and the white lips.
Very, very nice! What a loving, and artistic Mom you have. I'm sure that is something you will always remember...Good job Mom!
Thanks everyone, I will pass on the compliments! It was actually not my birthday, I was being honored at an award ceremony where I got 2 scholarships (one for showing great promise in exotic animal medicine!) and it was an excuse to put a chameleon on my cake, which she had apparently been wanting to do for a while. Can you see the resemblance?

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Congrats on your awards!!!! Nothing like being honored and rewarded at the same time. Keep up the awesome work. :D
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