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  1. KingJulian

    Am I doing it right?

    We were the same way about ordering online. I just didnt like the fact that my very expensive lizard was going to be delivered in a box. We researched for about 6 months and had our cage completely set up before buying one. We ended up driving 2 hours to go pick ours up, but it was awesome...
  2. KingJulian

    Getting Worried...

    We had the same problem in the beginning. We thought we were doing something wrong. He wouldn't chase the crickets like I thought he would (they were too fast) and the ones he didnt eat would end up dead under his plant. We found that hand feeding works the best for us. I know exactly how much...
  3. KingJulian

    Sleeping Cutie :)

    We got him from a friend. He was already a year old. But we were told he's from bloodlines from Bonzai (chamalot chameleons) and Bonaroo (chameleon company) from pics, I definitely see the resemblance on both sides.
  4. KingJulian

    Sleeping Cutie :)

    They always look so peaceful when sleeping. It's the cutest thing :)
  5. KingJulian

    Am I doing it right?

    No problem :) The setup looks good, I would suggest adding some fake leafy vines around the top so he has hiding spots. Your cham may not like going up to bask if he doesn't feel safe.
  6. KingJulian

    Help please

    I'm not sure if he would get sick from eating direct the bottle and see if it says anything about if a cham eats it. Hopefully somebody who has had a similar problem will reply...also don't leave the crickets in his cage overnight or they can gang up and bite your cham in his...
  7. KingJulian

    Hello everyone

    Very handsome boy! the setup looks good too. Good luck with him :)
  8. KingJulian

    Am I doing it right?

    To attach a pic click post reply (I think thats what it says) and it'll pull up a reply box, next to the smiley face, you'll see a paper clip. Click that and you will see how to upload a pic
  9. KingJulian

    Safe Plant?

    I thought a schefflera was an umbrella plant...that's what I have in my panthers cage.
  10. KingJulian

    Am I doing it right?

    Sounds like you've done you're research! Great job! Good luck on your new cham :)
  11. KingJulian

    new to this misting thing

    We got it in February. The only issue I've noticed with it is when there's a power surge, it turns it on when the power comes back on. We unplug it at night just in case the power surges, that way it doesn't turn on and wake him up.
  12. KingJulian

    new to this misting thing

    Everybody loves their mist kings, however I'm a student on a budget and picked up a exo terra monsoon mister from repticon for a pretty decent price. It is perfect for us, since we only have 1 cham. The mist kings are nice for multiple cages. Just do research and see which fits your situation...
  13. KingJulian

    Desensitizing my Cham

    I do think some people get a little ridiculous with all the "stress" talk. Most of our chams are CB, so humans are all they know. I know things are different in the wild, but they haven't been in the wild, so they don't know any different. This morning when we woke up my Cham was sitting on his...
  14. KingJulian

    Desensitizing my Cham

    When we first got my panther, he was already a year old. The guy we got him from said he was very shy and the only interaction he had was at feeding time and to move him outside for some sun. We knew that we wanted one that we could handle, so we were very nervous, not knowing what we were...
  15. KingJulian


    He might be getting ready to shed...mine gets grumpy and is like leave me alone! before and during his sheds.
  16. KingJulian

    Chameleon stopped useing tongue ?

    There is probably something wrong...I don't think they would just stop using it for no reason. He could've scratched it on something in the cage and maybe it's infected? Can you look at it and see if it's swollen or anything?
  17. KingJulian

    Not the best news from the vet today!

    So sad to hear about Camo, he's a very handsome boy! Keeping him in my prayers.
  18. KingJulian

    Did this happen to anyone else?

    So sorry your cham passed :( Just a few things I noticed that could have created a problem...Misting 10 times a day seems like a lot. I usually mist about 4 times for a minute or 2 at a time. And like the other member said, make sure the cage dries up before misting again. Too much standing...
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