new to this misting thing


New Member
was considering buying one of those commercial misters instead of me misting by hand every day. i'm still a newbie here. would like some info/advice on these. i read that u can set them for how long u want them to mist? and more importantly, what do i do about all the water i will have to deal with? i am using a repti-breeze. what do u guys think the easiest alternative would be?
A lot of people do use mist kings. Theyre awesome! I keep a tray at the bottom of my Chams cage which is a plant water tray type thing. Every day I empty them all out. It's a lot of work but hay my cages stay cleaner! :)
was considering buying one of those commercial misters instead of me misting by hand every day. i'm still a newbie here. would like some info/advice on these. i read that u can set them for how long u want them to mist? and more importantly, what do i do about all the water i will have to deal with? i am using a repti-breeze. what do u guys think the easiest alternative would be?

they are nice, you can set how long for them to spray, but you have to put them on a timer, as for the water, even tho it seems to really soak the cage, there really does not seem to be as much water running out as you would think - but be sure to put something on the back of your cage so it does not spray out - if your cham likes to be misted , they will love it :) I have my cages piped to the outside, but you can collect the water in about anything
Good drainage is just part of the fun of keeping chams :)
Everone has their own solution that works for them and their setups.
Some are really basic, some are inventive and elaborate.

I use a oversized dura trays with a drain tube going into a large bucket, which I need to empty frequently.

With 5 chams, I go through lots of water!! :eek:
Everybody loves their mist kings, however I'm a student on a budget and picked up a exo terra monsoon mister from repticon for a pretty decent price. It is perfect for us, since we only have 1 cham. The mist kings are nice for multiple cages. Just do research and see which fits your situation best :)
Here is an example of a drainage system ImageUploadedByTapatalk1368456423.225180.jpg
Everybody loves their mist kings, however I'm a student on a budget and picked up a exo terra monsoon mister from repticon for a pretty decent price. It is perfect for us, since we only have 1 cham. The mist kings are nice for multiple cages. Just do research and see which fits your situation best :)

Do you mind me asking how long you have had yours and did you have to put it on a separate timer? I was reading reviews on those and apparently the first models had issues?
We got it in February. The only issue I've noticed with it is when there's a power surge, it turns it on when the power comes back on. We unplug it at night just in case the power surges, that way it doesn't turn on and wake him up.
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