here is a thought. since those crickets are so rowdy, get roaches, you'll never have to buy crix again. trust me, i got them, and my parents who have commited roach genocide multiple times, dont care about the dubia roaches. they have no smell and i have a super sensitive sense of smell. trust...
ok, i bought 2 lbs of dry food, because i planned on breeding silkies, and had lots of silkies to begin with, but that project fell through, and i wonder if feeding silkworm chow is good for my roaches/other feeders. i just have and extra lb of dry food, and feel like putting it too good use...
do female bearded dragons lay infertile clutches, mine is closing in on a year, and i would like to make sure if she has to lay infertile clutches??:confused:
YESYESYESYES, i know a whole lot of scientific names, but i dont use them because alot of the people here dont use the scientific names, so i dont want to confuse others, but i completely agree with that statement eisentrauti.:)
REPTILES is cool, but i get the herpetological review, and the journal of herpetology, and its way more informative, but even more scientific. but you can get it at
here's my setup, ill only end up having tops 700 in there, but eventually ill buy a big rubbermaid, but i dont have enough chams to need any more than 700.
just to give you an idea on what a good setup looks liek, the lights are on just so i could get a good pic.
since you ordered such a small amount, i suggest not feeding for a couple months. unless you dont want a colony starting. but btw, my 100+ dubia came in today, and hopefully my other 500 will be here on friday, which i bought from a forum member. but all i have to say is that theyre better than...
the easiest and least smelly, and least noisy would be dubia roaches for me, they are great feeders, have lots of meat, less chitin, stick bugs are a good feeder so ive heard, but also ive heard that they arent a good staple. dont quote me on that one.
but by far, any roach is very easy to...