Feeding chow. They look to be normals (advertised as no specific type)... I only got 20 so they aren't at all crowded. Have them in a plastic lettuce bin (recycled) with gutterguard. The chow was freshly prepared and kept in fridg. I do wash all utensils and my hands carefully beforehand. And I...
Hmm. I wonder. Got them from Rainbow. Last batch did fine. I didn't notice any refusing the chow...I did notice they start writhing around and looking sick...dead ones the next morning.
Yeah its weird, they start writhing around, drop thru the mesh to the bottom, darken and eventually die. Humidity is low since my bin top is screened and its Colorado...food does dry out overnight so I replace.
#1 - I'm doin soap & water...worked last time, but maybe my luck ran out.
#2 - haven't fed any off...was trying to breed them.
I did clean the tub after each discovery of darkened, sometimes writhing worms that had dropped/crawled thru the mesh to the bottom...which was kinda Gooey. I'm...
Anybody know why my silks (about 1-1.5" long today) are dying off, in 2s and 3s each day? I'm keeping them clean, changing out food and removing frass daily. Didn't have any problems last time. I know they are sensitive and need sanitized conditions...seems odd how they are dying off slowly and...
Yup, the dubias don't move around enough for my little guy, dangit. (I think they move just the right amount, lol) I'll try discoids. Do you breed them, or order? If order, where?
thank you...where did you get your "starter" snails? Wild caught? How big are they? Wondering what species are the right size for feeding...seen some for sale on eBay but really jumbo and look too big for a cham to swallow, with the shell 'n all. Looking forward to hearing more once you get your...
That's a serious bummer...I'm sure if you asked they would make it right (eventually) as they seem to be eager to fix problems- just not very efficient - but you still have the obstacle of returning the geckos. Perhaps you can rehome those to someplace local, and get the anole? I'm sure you've...