Your ChameLeon - Veiled, male, 5-6 months old. Been in my care about a month
Handling - One to two times per week.
Feeding - I feed him wax worms. About 12 per day. He is fed about every 5 hours I have not gut loaded Mr. Grinch yet.
Supplements - He gets "Sticky Tongue Farms" twice a week...
That one was meant for Laurie, I'm about to do the "How to ask for help" for you. I'm not currently using a night light for I do don't have a fixture to support it
Thank you for replying and I will look for your reply again in the morning.
I haven't really tried switching up his food, he seems to love the wax worms. Normally when I put my hand in to water the plant or clean his food bowl he just hisses at me, but when I actually put the worms in he runs...
Hi everyone, I'm new to this website as to Chameleon owning. I have a Veiled Chameleon who is about 5-6 months old named Mr. Grinch due to his rude attitude. I've had him for little over a month. I feed him about 12 wax worms daily and have a spray bottle which is used about two times daily. He...