I need help


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm new to this website as to Chameleon owning. I have a Veiled Chameleon who is about 5-6 months old named Mr. Grinch due to his rude attitude. I've had him for little over a month. I feed him about 12 wax worms daily and have a spray bottle which is used about two times daily. He is in a 12x12x18" enclosure as it's temporary for about another week or two. He has a bonsai ficus and vines to climb on. I've read that these little dudes can have a lot go wrong with them so that's why I'm a little worried. He has very dark green spots on him which he didn't have when I got him. He was a light green and an even lighter shade of blue(he was shedding when I got him.) This is what's worrying me, the dark green. He just started showing them today and he's been done shedding for about a week now. Anybody?
Hello, welcome to you and your guy. The green does not sound like a problem.

Here are a couple suggestions, he needs a variety of feeders. Some good choices are silkworms, crickets, dubia roaches, and fly's. They go nuts for fly's. that is a treat not a real feeder, but it will perk him right up.:)

How warm is his cage, what kind of lights do you have (brands) , does he go to the lights to warn up in the morning? Is he active or does he just sit?

I am glad to hear he will be getting a larger cage, veileds like a cage about 24x24x48 if you can do it.

I am half asleep right now so that is the best I have to offer tonight. I will do better in the morning.
Howdy, and welcome :). Can you please fill out the "Sticky: How to ask for help" and paste it here. This will help us to help you further :)
Thank you for replying and I will look for your reply again in the morning.
I haven't really tried switching up his food, he seems to love the wax worms. Normally when I put my hand in to water the plant or clean his food bowl he just hisses at me, but when I actually put the worms in he runs right down after two or three worms are in the bowl.
During the day the temp shows from 70-85 (his enclosure is right above the heater in my apartment so I'm sure that helps) I have a mini dome, I can't remember the brand and don't want to go out to my storage right now to check. I do have a day uvb and night light for when I move and change his enclosure, the mini dome is two small for the bulbs I have. I'm normally awake before he is and the light switching on seems to wake him up. He'll take about 5-10 minutes before he starts moving and he'll climb to the vine closest to light not too long arty waking.
I just moved into an apartment in January and moving into a bigger one soon, have the lease paid and everything so I thought with the move It'd only be fair that if I move into a bigger place that Mr. Grinch gets a bigger one to.
Thank you for replying and I will look for your reply again in the morning.
I haven't really tried switching up his food, he seems to love the wax worms. Normally when I put my hand in to water the plant or clean his food bowl he just hisses at me, but when I actually put the worms in he runs right down after two or three worms are in the bowl.
During the day the temp shows from 70-85 (his enclosure is right above the heater in my apartment so I'm sure that helps) I have a mini dome, I can't remember the brand and don't want to go out to my storage right now to check. I do have a day uvb and night light for when I move and change his enclosure, the mini dome is two small for the bulbs I have. I'm normally awake before he is and the light switching on seems to wake him up. He'll take about 5-10 minutes before he starts moving and he'll climb to the vine closest to light not too long arty waking.
I just moved into an apartment in January and moving into a bigger one soon, have the lease paid and everything so I thought with the move It'd only be fair that if I move into a bigger place that Mr. Grinch gets a bigger one to.

From what i've seen on this forum and personal experience, remove the night light.
That one was meant for Laurie, I'm about to do the "How to ask for help" for you. I'm not currently using a night light for I do don't have a fixture to support it
Your ChameLeon - Veiled, male, 5-6 months old. Been in my care about a month
Handling - One to two times per week.
Feeding - I feed him wax worms. About 12 per day. He is fed about every 5 hours I have not gut loaded Mr. Grinch yet.
Supplements - He gets "Sticky Tongue Farms" twice a week
Watering - I tried a fogger but he hated it, I now use a spray bottle about every 6 hours. I have not seen him drinking.
Fecal Description - His droppings are black, or a light white. I dont believe he has but the place I bought him from is highly respected

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Glass, 12x12x18 with screen top (temporary)
Lighting - This was in my response to Laurie, he gets from 10-12 hours of light
Temperature - Again, response to Laurie, temp gage in
Humidity - Humidity is about 65-70 during the night 55-60 during the day I have a bonsai ficus and water bowl. Again I have a gage

Current Problem - Just recently he is showing very dark green spots, like a dark forest green which he hasn't had beforehand it's worrying me because he's normally a light green or brownish green depending how often the cats are trying to look at him or I'm cleaning his enclosure
I will post a picture when he's awake again because he's sleeping right now and he's already a grumpy guy so I don't want to wake him
Feeding - I feed him wax worms. About 12 per day. He is fed about every 5 hours I have not gut loaded Mr. Grinch yet.

That's a lot of junk food! He will need a better balanced diet. Chams love waxworms but they are fatty, sugary, and hard to gutload. To gutload means to feed your insects well so they provide better nutrition. The insects you buy are hardly fed at all. There are great gutload examples in the forum's basic care pages.

Supplements - He gets "Sticky Tongue Farms" twice a week

The proper supplementation schedule should be:
Dust lightly with plain calcium (no added vitamin D3) daily
Dust with calcium (with added vitamin D3) once every 2 weeks
Dust with a herp multivitamin once every 2 weeks

Current Problem - Just recently he is showing very dark green spots, like a dark forest green which he hasn't had beforehand it's worrying me because he's normally a light green or brownish green depending how often the cats are trying to look at him or I'm cleaning his enclosure

This sounds like a stress reaction to me. A cham will not like being watched by cats! Also, he's a "teenager" and is starting to get more of his adult coloration.
Thank you Carlton, that was helpful. For some reason I cannot upload the pictures via phone so I will use my computer later to upload them
Feeding - I feed him wax worms. About 12 per day. He is fed about every 5 hours I have not gut loaded Mr. Grinch yet.

That's a lot of junk food! He will need a better balanced diet. Chams love waxworms but they are fatty, sugary, and hard to gutload. To gutload means to feed your insects well so they provide better nutrition. The insects you buy are hardly fed at all. There are great gutload examples in the forum's basic care pages.

Supplements - He gets "Sticky Tongue Farms" twice a week

The proper supplementation schedule should be:
Dust lightly with plain calcium (no added vitamin D3) daily
Dust with calcium (with added vitamin D3) once every 2 weeks
Dust with a herp multivitamin once every 2 weeks

Current Problem - Just recently he is showing very dark green spots, like a dark forest green which he hasn't had beforehand it's worrying me because he's normally a light green or brownish green depending how often the cats are trying to look at him or I'm cleaning his enclosure

This sounds like a stress reaction to me. A cham will not like being watched by cats! Also, he's a "teenager" and is starting to get more of his adult coloration.

Great post Carlton, I didn't know about the cats. I was trying to be gentle about the feeders.:eek:
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