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  1. nasi8one

    bearded pygmys

    Recently became obcessed with pygmys but have had no luck finding some at the right price. closes exotic animal store is selling a one for 60 which seemed expensive as i have seen them for $20 on the web. Interested in one male and 2 females. Looking for young ones. if you know of a breeder or...
  2. nasi8one

    boys on the bamboo

    Nothing else to say but amazing! beutiful coloration on all of those guys
  3. nasi8one

    How many babay scan a female jacksons give birth to?

    females can hold sperm in their bodies and have up to 3 seperate clutches if im not mistaken
  4. nasi8one

    re-arranged enclosure

    I built the enclosure from pvc pipes for my panther. I am of Guatemalan Maya decent, so that statue was a must for my enclosure. glad everyone likes it so far. here is reptilio my panther
  5. nasi8one

    re-arranged enclosure

    Thank you. i am planning to add the bamboo tonight to give him more branches to walk on. there are some vines hidden in there already but more never hurts. sorry for the horizontal placement of that picture. i will try to get a verticle one posted
  6. nasi8one

    re-arranged enclosure

    Woke up early this morning and headed to the local home depot and dollar tree. I returned home with a sword fern, lavander, and asparagus fern. I also bought two 5' long bamboo sticks, and 3 bags if large stones/pebbles. i washed and repotted the plants and put the stones on top of the soil so...
  7. nasi8one

    morning colors!

    My blue bar, Reptilio, has some beautiful morning colors. Just wanted to share a few pictures from this morning. Hope you guys like them.
  8. nasi8one


  9. nasi8one

    new panther. ? about D3

    Ok cool, thank you. Yes i had his enclosure set up with all correct lighting. Also have both calciums, and multivitamins. Just didnt know what to do. How long do you think I should wait until i give him more D3? are there any warning signs of to much d3? im thinking of waiting about 2 months...
  10. nasi8one

    new panther. ? about D3

    Today I picked up a blue bar ambilobe. The previous owner didnt seem to have a clue what he was doing. He had substrate at the bottom, wrong vitamins ,and wrong lighting. He was only dusting with calcium with D3, no plain calcium, or multi vitamins, so my question is this. If im not sure how...
  11. nasi8one

    BB ambilobe

    Thank you! I cant wait to get back from work to sit and observe him
  12. nasi8one

    BB ambilobe

    just couldnt resist this panther i have named "REPTILIO ZAPATA". He is a captive bred blue bar ambilobe. Owner lost his job and couldnt care for him so I adopted this guy. here is a flick i took of him while i cleaned the enclosure before i put him in.
  13. nasi8one

    small panther

    Would you happen to know why females can show vibrant colors then just drops them?
  14. nasi8one

    small panther

    What makes you think atleast one is male? I personally still think i have both sexes but everyone is saying female. Im not experiened enough and dont want to guess Would be awesome to have a male out of the two though. i was told that these hatched late september/early october. do babies really...
  15. nasi8one

    small panther

    Thank you! everyone on here has been such a huge help. its so hard taking pictures of these little girls!
  16. nasi8one

    small panther

    Was finally able to get good shots of the tail base. hope these make the sexing unanimous. i appreciate all the help!
  17. nasi8one

    small panther

    Thats exactly what i thought but people say never to rely on color. i really hope the first one is a male though. would start the year off right if it was. happy new year to everyone on here!
  18. nasi8one

    small panther

    Can you help me sex these little guys please?
  19. nasi8one

    small panther

    Here are pictures of another little one i picked up also.
  20. nasi8one

    small panther

    Sometimes I end up learning the hard way lol. Either way i cant wait to see the little guy/girl grow. that is one awesome female in that link, i will be so happy if mine shows color like that. when i look at the base of the tail, i see no bulge but i have no experience sexing. i will take...
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