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  1. SueAndHerZoo

    Will she recover? The battle continues . . .

    The vet bill was $281, I was counting what I spent on her cage, lights, plants, bioactive substrate, mister, etc. It adds up fast! Sue
  2. SueAndHerZoo

    Will she recover? The battle continues . . .

    The lights are off for the night so I will try to get a photo tomorrow but, yes, that's her in the photo with her hipbones showing. Sue
  3. SueAndHerZoo

    Will she recover? The battle continues . . .

    Thanks. I did look up their anatomy to check where the tracheal opening is because I used to hand feed newly hatched birds so am always afraid of them aspirating. She's so friggin' tiny and fragile, there's just nothing to hold onto. 11 grams! And with suspected MBD, I'm afraid of...
  4. SueAndHerZoo

    Will she recover? The battle continues . . .

    As a recap, I purchased a female veiled from Petco on January 31. 30 days later I took her back stating that I saw mucous on her branch and she seemed lethargic, low appetite, and closing her eyes during the day. Supposedly they brought her to their vet the next day and she was sent back with...
  5. SueAndHerZoo

    Chameleon fell - what to watch for

    Thanks for the reassurance - he does seem fine today - acting normal (whatever "normal" is for a chameleon!) Sue
  6. SueAndHerZoo

    Chameleon fell - what to watch for

    I probably don't have to tell you how badly I feel.... my poor guy just fell about 5 feet onto a hardwood floor. I opened his cage door with a roach in my hand to feed him and didn't realize he had one foot on the cage door. When I opened it, I heard him plop to the ground, landing on his...
  7. SueAndHerZoo

    Weight check, please?

    Awwww, thanks, Linda...... sometimes we all need a pat on the back to keep us going with the never-ending challenges of chameleon care. :) Sue
  8. SueAndHerZoo

    Ridge on female's lower back

    My hubby just came home with small crickets for me so they are dusted and in 3 different feeders in her cage..... watching from a distance HOPING she'll show some interest! Sue
  9. SueAndHerZoo

    Ridge on female's lower back

    I got a very close look at the area today and there definitely is not a wound.... it really looks like the outline of her hip bone. (shrug). Sue
  10. SueAndHerZoo

    Ridge on female's lower back

    Yes, but the crickets still may not be small enough for her..... I will go on a store search today for smaller ones. Sue
  11. SueAndHerZoo

    Ridge on female's lower back

    Well therein lies half of the problem: at the pet store she was only fed meal worms and I've been trying to get her OFF of mealworms so the foods I do offer are unfamiliar to her. I just had to knock a roach off her face... it was on her mouth but she still didn't eat it. :( She was taken...
  12. SueAndHerZoo

    Ridge on female's lower back

    Thanks, that's very possible because she hasn't been eager to eat lately. I'll try some more enticing foods and try to get her interested again. I figured it was just because she was molting but she's done now. Sue
  13. SueAndHerZoo

    Ridge on female's lower back

    Thank you - I really appreciate the feedback and thoughts. I will definitely be keeping an eye on it and her. Sue
  14. SueAndHerZoo

    Weight check, please?

    Thanks! I had just watched that video before I posted on here, in addition to the ones by Neptune's Mom. Glad the pouch under his chin is normal - that one worried me. I'll keep him on a low-fat diet and weigh him weekly but glad to hear he's not a total porker. :) He was not cared for...
  15. SueAndHerZoo

    Ridge on female's lower back

    Wow, that's exactly the right spot..... so it's her hipbone I guess? It was never visible until today...... I wonder if that means she's underweight? Sue
  16. SueAndHerZoo

    Ridge on female's lower back

    Wow, you've got one heck of an eye - I didn't notice that until I really zoomed in on my phone. I just tried to get more pix but she's so timid, as soon as she sees me getting too close to the cage she takes off.
  17. SueAndHerZoo

    Ridge on female's lower back

    Today as I was caring for my young female I noticed this ridge along her topside over her rear legs. This has never been there before..... any ideas what this is? Is it a normal part of development or do we have a problem? Sue
  18. SueAndHerZoo

    Weight check, please?

    Hi. When I rescued this guy a few weeks ago and posted pictures some mentioned that he was overweight. I've been feeding him a lot less since hearing that and today decided to actually weigh him so I could track the results of his dieting. He clocked in at 101 grams (somewhere between 1-2...
  19. SueAndHerZoo

    Gnat Problem

    I was shopping for new plants at Lowe's yesterday and asked the "plant lady" what I could buy that would be safe for plants and animals that would kill the gnats and she showed me a can of spray called "Zevo". It states it kills flies and gnats and is safe for the plants and any animals. She...
  20. SueAndHerZoo

    Can you identify this bug?

    Thanks everyone! I was hoping it was something I fed that pupated but since I only got my BSFL a few days ago I'm surprised it happened that fast. Whooda thunk I would ever be excited about flies in my house? This hobby has really turned me into a whack job! LOL Sue
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