Can you identify this bug?


Established Member
I was redecorating one of my chameleon cages today and this bug kept bugging me. I don't know if there is more than one in there or if it was the same one who kept insisting on crawling on me but I have never seen one of these. Is it possibly something that fell out of the food dish and metamorphosized? This cage has a bioactive bottom so there's all kinds of creepy crawlers in there but this isn't something I purchased.


  • insect.jpg
    75.2 KB · Views: 84
Cant see pic clearly. So I have to ask is it this?


  • Screenshot_20220311-203004.png
    224.1 KB · Views: 87
Cant see pic clearly. So I have to ask is it this?
Sorry, can't get another pic because it's back in the chameleon jungle but when I'm doing stuff in there again tomorrow and if I see it I will get a better photo. It kinda looks like your photo but I think it had white antennae, and it had wings that it fluttered but I never actually saw it fly.
Found this on google search. I think Mendez is correct.
I am just puzzled with the 1/2 yellow antenna.
Do you feed your chameleon soldier fly larvae?
Thanks everyone! I was hoping it was something I fed that pupated but since I only got my BSFL a few days ago I'm surprised it happened that fast. Whooda thunk I would ever be excited about flies in my house? This hobby has really turned me into a whack job! LOL
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