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  1. hallenhe

    Saw something incredible tonight

    I'm afraid I know next to nothing about Florida geography, but aren't feral chams pretty well documented from thereabouts?
  2. Eye Of The Lizard

    Eye Of The Lizard

  3. hallenhe

    Cicadas - Plentiful Feeder Source

    Depending on the cicadas, there can be every year or two, every 17 years, or a number of durations in between. I could see feeding our local cicadas to parsonii, Oustalet's, verrucosus, etc. - the really big guys - but would be worried about giving them to most species because they are huge...
  4. hallenhe

    Your favorite chameleon story

    My first panther, Thaxter, was free-ranged in the livingroom. Normally we kept him in by lowering a board across the doorway that we could step over but he couldn't climb, but we weren't so careful about that on weekends or holidays, when we were home to keep an eye on him. One day I found him...
  5. hallenhe

    A Chameleon bite

    My worst bites have been when they've accidentally gotten me when trying for food - when that happens, I let them pull my finger in and chomp down because I don't want to damage the tongue by jerking away. Bea, my female veiled, got me twice yesterday, once with several bites in rapid succession...
  6. hallenhe

    hello from michigan

    A belated hi and welcome, Dave! I would trust the store whereof you speak when it comes to chameleons (in Old Town, Lansing, formerly in Haslett, unless I seriously miss my guess?); getting a cham from Tiki Tiki would work fine as well. Cedar Creek Veterinary in Williamston (a bit of a drive for...
  7. hallenhe

    Any Suggestions For a Good Book?

    I can suggest thousands of books, but have no idea what your tastes are (nor do I have any familiarity with the Collected Works of Nicholas Sparks, to know what to avoid...) A couple possibilities: "Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell" by Susanna Clarke. Long, elaborate, written very straight-faced...
  8. hallenhe

    Nautilus died last night

    I just saw this; very sorry to hear about him, Olimpia. Best of luck with everybody else.
  9. hallenhe

    McGinty update

    Laurie, I've already spoken with Dr. Alphonso, and he's out of town until June 13. If he weren't, McG would be in Florida already. Thank you very much for the offer, and McG may still end up with him.
  10. hallenhe

    McGinty update

    It appears neither Lincoln nor Omaha has anyone that can/will do bloodwork on a smallish cham. I've written Dr. Greek to see what he thinks about the feasibility of shipping McG to him for diagnosis/treatment. The Reptaid is a good idea; I'll order some.
  11. hallenhe

    McGinty update

    He provided me with a sample yesterday and I did a fecal. No worms, no coccidia, nothing that looks protozoan (lots of pollen grains, which he picks up when he's lapping his water). There was some orange to the urate (some pure white, too, and I've seen worse for the orange), which did surprise...
  12. hallenhe

    McGinty update

    Not as much as a normally-eating cham, but then he's eating less, and very little in the way of solids. He is still defecating, and there does not appear to be a blockage.
  13. hallenhe

    bad day -- poor me

    Lots of sympathy; at least you got a good story out of it! Ankle sprains are no fun, but now I know that at least they're better than a hip fracture. They say if you pile lizards on your sprain it makes the swelling go down.;)
  14. hallenhe

    McGinty update

    Well, I just don't know what to do with Mr. McGinty. Or, rather, I do know, and am doing it, but wish his problems were a little less vague and a little more responsive... In the time I've had him (since 4/2010), he has never been an overwhelmingly enthusiastic eater. He was diagnosed with...
  15. hallenhe

    Your Oldest Chameleon?

    Thaxter the Ambilobe panther made it to just under 5 years before dying of an infection exacerbated by some ongoing kidney problems.
  16. hallenhe

    Guess the mom?!

    Hi, Aster; pretty girl!
  17. hallenhe

    Has anyone fed painted lady butterfly’s?

    Just to diverge on a brief tangent - Monarchs feed on milkweed, and are therefore rendered noxious to would-be consumers. However, some birds will eat them, and my panther chameleon, McGinty, grabbed one last year before I knew what was happening and chomped it down without suffering ill effect...
  18. hallenhe

    Gutloading; how the heck are you SUPPOSED to do it??

    Miner-All 0 from Sticky Tongue Farms has calcium without D3; that's what I use. Gutloading is basically nothing more nor less than feeding insects nutritious food so they stay healthy and pass on that nutrition to the chameleons; so, yeah, pretty much feeding them the fruits and veggies is...
  19. hallenhe

    Just not sure what to do with this tree

    Something that (kind of, maybe, sorta) works to keep him from leaving the tree is to find an even more enormous pot to put the tree's pot in, such that he can't reach the edge of pot #2, and if he gets down from the tree's pot, he's either stuck in pot #2, or can only get back to the tree (e.g...
  20. hallenhe

    hissing at me :(

    My female veiled hisses and threatens (sometimes swinging her head around suddenly and gaping) whenever you reach for her. But as soon as she's climbed on board she's perfectly peaceable. (And for those who would say, "Clearly she doesn't want you reaching for her; leave her alone!", she has to...
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