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  1. Dean Pulcini

    Bradypodion Pumilum Pictures

    I guess nobody really could seeing that they are rare in captivity.
  2. Dean Pulcini

    Bradypodion Pumilum Pictures

    The picture didn't do it any justice much more colorful in person.
  3. Dean Pulcini

    Bradypodion Pumilum Pictures

    See if you can guess the sex of this pumilum. I have had them for just over a month and are doing very well. Just click to see the pic.
  4. Dean Pulcini

    Peacock vs Veiled

    Weidershemi ( peacock) are getting rare and need more attention also when kept under proper conditions can be very colorful. My vote is for weidershemi if you can find one.
  5. Dean Pulcini


    Nice looking male you have there. Mine likes hissers it's fun watching him fight with such a large feeder.
  6. Dean Pulcini

    B. tranvaaslense after a little over a month

    They look great the cruled tails tell me that they are happy.
  7. Dean Pulcini

    CH Nosy Faly update

    Your WC are amazing very nice looking N. faly. Only time will tell what offspring will look like hopefully like the sire.
  8. Dean Pulcini

    How about some new NON panther and veiled threads?!

    This is the best thread I've seen in years.
  9. Dean Pulcini

    My new GOC

    Very nice, I didn't notice if you screened the ground also animals may dig or tunnel to get to the chameleons. I would use a heavy metal screening that they cant get through.
  10. Dean Pulcini

    Done with shipping.

    Fedex lost a male Cristatus on me about 3 yrs ago and he died in the box. I swore that I would never use them again I got the refund but who cares.
  11. Dean Pulcini

    A couple new transvaalense pics!

    I don't know much about these guys but the look good.
  12. Dean Pulcini

    B.thamnobates arrival(finally)

    From what I read South Africa is more humid in the winter then it is in the summer. Dry hot windy summers and cool wet and humid winters thats the basic approach that im takeing.
  13. Dean Pulcini

    Eggs too big?

    Did you add water to the substrate recently or mist.
  14. Dean Pulcini

    Oorana Mena or Nosy Mitsio

    The title of this pole should be changed. There is no such the thing as an Oorana mena it's just a name someone made up to sell chameleons It's N. faly. Sorry had to get that off my chest.
  15. Dean Pulcini

    Oorana Mena or Nosy Mitsio

    I had both N. mitsio is nicer in my opinion.
  16. Dean Pulcini


    If you are for real I think you should get your life in order. I think most of us have been down and out at one time or another. Best of luck to you I for one harbor no ill feelings towards you. Your just in a bad spot right now thats all. If you are serious you can pm me and I will help you.
  17. Dean Pulcini

    Well Today I Learned My Lesson...

    Good thing she wasn't outside. Tell mom to mist through the screen.
  18. Dean Pulcini

    Hotel near Legoland

    I dont know about hotels but that place is cool. I went on vacation with my family and when my wife said we were going to lego land I was like what come on can't we do something else. I was wrong cool place I like New York the best all the cities were cool.
  19. Dean Pulcini

    Calumma Globifer Video

    They look very dry and rough no color at all. They are one of the most colorful calumma. You wouldn't know by those pics these are on my wish list.
  20. Dean Pulcini

    Feeling Guilty

    I justify it by telling myself expensive chams vs inexpensive feeders oh well you lose.
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