Bradypodion Pumilum Pictures

Dean Pulcini

Avid Member
See if you can guess the sex of this pumilum. I have had them for just over a month and are doing very well. Just click to see the pic.


  • Bradypodion pumilum 015.jpg
    Bradypodion pumilum 015.jpg
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    Bradypodion pumilum 018.jpg
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  • Bradypodion pumilum 020.jpg
    Bradypodion pumilum 020.jpg
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  • Bradypodion pumilum 021.jpg
    Bradypodion pumilum 021.jpg
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If I had to guess i would say female. Very pretty none the less, would love to see the colours in the throat when she puffs it up, sometimes happens when they yawn :)
Id say female, except for a tiny buldge in the third pic, but I really have no clue.
Great looking non the less :)
If I had to guess i would say female. Very pretty none the less, would love to see the colours in the throat when she puffs it up, sometimes happens when they yawn :)

They puff up in the early morning hours when the sun hits them after a cool night.
I cant even tell the sex and Im the one that shipped it to you! haha. "It" looks like its grown a ton since I shipped them! I need a size comparison, do you have any pics of them on your hand or in the cage from further back?
Dean, what do you think of them so far?
I cant even tell the sex and Im the one that shipped it to you! haha. "It" looks like its grown a ton since I shipped them! I need a size comparison, do you have any pics of them on your hand or in the cage from further back?
Dean, what do you think of them so far?

The females are growing really fast the male has been slow but I think he's younger then the females. To tell you the truth I haven't held them since I took them out of the sack. Which is a good thing the male is slightly problematic he doesn't care for me the females could care less. The male use to run into the bush when he saw me almost like a WC would do, at least now he tolerates me.
They are like small panthers they love the sun no matter how hot it is and humidity isn't a problem when keep outside they seem indiffernt to humidity levels when kept outside. They are unlike any chameleon I have ever owned they actually seek one another out when the sun goes down they like sleeping in groups for some reason and will sleep ontop of one another sometimes very odd. These little guys are like bulldogs once the are established very active on hot days very cool chameleons I'm glad I got them.
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Im glad youre so happy with them Dean:) and yes, Ive been scared some days here in SoCal lately because it has got up to almost 100 and they are kept in screen cages in the backyard and they have NO problem whatsoever with the heat. They do have shaded parts of the cage to go to in the intense heat but I really dont think the heat bothers them one little bit. I have all of mine in seperate cages so I havent had the chance to notice them sleeping or seeking one another out like you mentioned. Mine do seem pretty shy tho and dont like eating in front of me, and they all do the shaky leaf walk:) Its fun to watch.
Ive said it before, but these are the most beautifully colored chameleons Ive ever seen or had the pleasure to own!

Start saving your pennies for some cb B. damaranum;)
Im glad youre so happy with them Dean:) and yes, Ive been scared some days here in SoCal lately because it has got up to almost 100 and they are kept in screen cages in the backyard and they have NO problem whatsoever with the heat. They do have shaded parts of the cage to go to in the intense heat but I really dont think the heat bothers them one little bit. I have all of mine in seperate cages so I havent had the chance to notice them sleeping or seeking one another out like you mentioned. Mine do seem pretty shy tho and dont like eating in front of me, and they all do the shaky leaf walk:) Its fun to watch.
Ive said it before, but these are the most beautifully colored chameleons Ive ever seen or had the pleasure to own!

Start saving your pennies for some cb B. damaranum;)

B. damaranum is what I really wanted like I asked you when we started this process that would be awsome. Hopefully these guys will breed for us and money wont be an issue that's my hopes anyway.
It's a female a very colorful one at that, very nice haveing colorful females and not to mention the color of the male which is unbelievable. But that's another story for another day.
Aww sooo close!

I should have gone off your description of who was chill and who was not. Was a give away but....

Like to see that male!

Edit: how do you distinguish gender with brady's?
Edit: how do you distinguish gender with brady's?

Tail base is almost always a dead give away. But I have been stumped with some. I was told by a breeder that this is the best way to tell but Im not so sure, I think it may have more to do with patterning or slight color differences. Why dont all species of chameleons just have tarsal spurs, then there would never be any doubt:)
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