Pretty sure this should be in the "wanted" section of the forums, but that section gets less traffic.
Been located in S.Korea for the past five years and have been out if the chameleon trade for some time. Im so excited to be moving back to California,and to start working with them again...
Thank again,
Being an american myself i can totally relate. Just doing taxes seemed like a mission to Mars. I moved to korea roughly 3 years ago and living is super easy, the culture in the other hand is a different story
I loved chameleons ever since i was a kid and am partial to merus...
After reading a 3rd of your post i knew it was hopeless. I really do appreciate the detailed reply. I would never try to sneak one to Korea my nerves would crack and i would be sweating bullets. On the brighter side, i just contacted some japanese breeder that apparently has some captive bred...
Wondering if anyone in the states is working with meru's? I have a short window to acquire some and gather the necessary documents to bring some back to korea. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Yup, it looks like a Jackson's to me!
As for the gapping i think it maybe two things.
1 Thermoregulation, he may be releasing heat by opening his mouth. Is he directly under the heat lamp or light source when he does this?
2. Disturbed, I've seen Jackson's get disturb by the presence of large...
Awesome babies!
Just wondering, the genus if this species is Trioceros but i dont see any signs of horns. I figure that it must be primarily DNA based. Are there any research papers that gives more information on the genus profile?
Think exo terra just made a tall version, but it is definity NOT 5 ft tall. Here's a link...
Yeah, I figured he was out, thus no response. I think that's understandable, just didn't want to make the purchase, forward the cash and get no animal.
Hi folks,
I've posted here about locating some Mt Meru Jackson's, even exhausting all my resources. BTW thanks for all that tried to help. I now realize that the species is either seasonal or under strict restriction due to CITES. So the majority of my sources point to one man, Nick Mole...
Does anyone know about the current availability of T Jackson's Merumontana? Are they currently under CITES protection or are they just not available right now due to season breeding?
I've been looking for a few breeding pairs to bring over to Korea, and have been searching for what seems like...
The bad thing is it scratches really easily and will limit your view through time. You'll need to buff it out or replace eventually. Glass is an better option, I think.
Do you watch her when you mist? What i mean is, maybe he/she is too busy observing you instead of that refreshing droplet of water. Happened to me a few times when I bought my first chameleon.
Are you noticing the common sign associated with dehydration? i.e. sunken eyes, stringy mucous...
I agree, I wouldn't go as far as adding a larger bulb, but I wouldn't just use your current setup. I would suggest, adding more heat lamps (equivalent to the one you currently use). This will allow your chameleon multiple areas to thermoregulate as opposed to just laying in one area for a heat...