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  1. Edward Kim

    Been awhile (MERU PICS)

    Socalson, I usually feed them spiders I find at work and home (-black widows). I attached some pics of moths and common spiders I tend to feed them. Note: I pinch off the fangs of the garden spiders prior to feeding (just in case). Another note: They love the daddy long leg varieties...
  2. Edward Kim

    Been awhile (MERU PICS)

    I'll keep that in consideration next time I allow him to gorge on waxworms :eek: ;)
  3. Edward Kim

    First Aid Kit

    Oh yeah, you should also add some extra bandages and a suture kit just in case he decides to turn agro on you:D. Angry Veiled = unhappy digits!:eek:
  4. Edward Kim

    First Aid Kit

    What my aid kit consist of: Fine forceps Fine scissors Scalpel Q-tips Dermabond Neoporin Iodine Saline solution Baytril and Amoxicillin (prescribed by vet) Reptaid Syringe various volumes(force feeding/med admin) Heating pad Pedialyte
  5. Edward Kim

    Been awhile (MERU PICS)

    Eisentruati, Is he overfed? This is very much a possibility but I have no reference chameleon to compare him to. If you can find an image of a wild Meru i would appreciate it. Thanks for the compliments I owe it all to you guys... Edward
  6. Edward Kim

    Been awhile (MERU PICS)

    Fabian, It's great to hear that your building a solid breeding colony. We should cross bloodlines once we produce solid CBB. I'm sure that the offspring produced will have significantly higher survival rates and NO PARASITES :D. Doesn't that sound GREAT! Your right, I put the...
  7. Edward Kim

    Been awhile (MERU PICS)

    Fabian, Breeding has been tough as i'm sure your aware of. I put them together a few weeks ago and the female was unresponsive. I'll try again in a few week once they adjust to the higher temperatures. I was wondering how your breeding project was going? I saw pictures of your new breeding...
  8. Edward Kim

    Been awhile (MERU PICS)

    Some more pictures for you guys. Thanks again...
  9. Edward Kim

    Been awhile (MERU PICS)

    Finally had some time to take some pictures. Since I contribute their good health (or higher survival) :o to this forum I thought I'd share. BTW for the group that was waiting for babies I apologize :( it seems like they were plugs not babies.
  10. Edward Kim

    A sad day today!!

    HAHAHAHA! Nicely written! That made my day...
  11. Edward Kim

    Sub Q worms questions (experts please)

    Elisa, I'm not fimiliar with Dr. Stein. Could you give me a contact number? Thanks, Ed
  12. Edward Kim

    Sub Q worms questions (experts please)

    Hi all, So I currently have an animal with an obvious subcutaneous worm. This will be my first sub worm infection and would like to hear some ways others have dealt with this. Of course he will be going to the veterinarian later this week. If you could mention the antibiotics used how the...
  13. Edward Kim

    wc jacksons wont eat

    Well it's good that their eating and drinking. Give them space (don't hover) to lower stress, and to help them acclimate to their new surroundings. Try new food items such as flies and spiders. Flies you can buy at Mantis place and spiders you can collect from your yard. Do some research on...
  14. Edward Kim

    Finally named him

    Meet Tirukaka
  15. Edward Kim

    Pet shops in Orange County,CA

    Grantman, Why would you want to get a panther form a pet shop? I'm sure you can find a local breeder on this site that has captive bred panthers in your area. Petshops tend not to specialize in chameleon which may result in unhealthy specimen. just my two cents, Ed
  16. Edward Kim


    Popping sounds, mouth open, and stringy mucous. Removing some of the excess mucous seems to reduce the frequency of popping. This by no means treats the URI. Look into REPTAID, i've been hearing some good comments on its ability to treat URIs. Otherwise a vet visit or a trip to Mexico is in...
  17. Male


  18. punk


  19. plastic surgery

    plastic surgery

  20. cages


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