First Aid Kit


New Member
Can anyone tell me what would be essential items to have in a first aid kit for Veiled Chameleons?
This was covered on this forum before...but I don't have time right now to look for the link.

Did a search..... My reply was this

The following errors occurred with your search:

1. Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search : First, Aid, Kit
Probly some betadine/neosporin for small wounds. Cant think of anything else needed offhand, nor any situation in which you would require such things yourself unless so directed by your vet, who would inform you what and how.
A chemical heatpack might be handy incase of power outage in cool weather. *shrugs*
Somebody will think of some things though, nice to be prepared. :)
What my aid kit consist of:

Fine forceps
Fine scissors

Saline solution
Baytril and Amoxicillin (prescribed by vet)
Syringe various volumes(force feeding/med admin)
Heating pad
Oh yeah, you should also add some extra bandages and a suture kit just in case he decides to turn agro on you:D. Angry Veiled = unhappy digits!:eek:
Oh yeah, you should also add some extra bandages and a suture kit just in case he decides to turn agro on you:D. Angry Veiled = unhappy digits!:eek:

Thanks guys I appreciate the help.

As for the bandages and suture kit in case of a bite ..... mmmm can see that one coming. Angie is a little "she devil" she is even lunging at my husband when he takes her cricket dish out for refilling. :p
Good idea to keep all that stuff on hand.

RE our conversation: Have managed to track down a herp vet in Fishhoek :)
Taking George to have his tongue checked out next week.
Jono...Nothing like being prepared. Murphy states that something will go wrong with one of my chams at night or on a public holiday....:confused:

You are so lucky.... I am still looking for a suitable reptile vet in Durban. :( there are plenty of herpetologists and good ones at that. But no qualified vet.

Hope you get your boy sorted.
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