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  1. Edward Kim


    To each his own ;)
  2. Edward Kim


    Hello, As Heika has stated, they are great feeders but have short lifespands and are extremely hard to handle. Unfortunately genetic manipulations have not been conducted with houseflies to produce a flightless phenotype (cross fingers) ;). I too place the whole culture in the fridge for 4...
  3. Edward Kim

    The lowdown on tapwater: safe or not?

    I also live in socal and have kept my chameleons outside with their primary water source coming directly from unfiltered tap. Obviously you should use filtered but I have not encountered any problems.
  4. Edward Kim

    The ID Game

    It looks like a Rudis?
  5. Edward Kim

    Veiled Fetus *photos*

    I agree with Royden. I personally think the word murder should not be used lightly.
  6. Edward Kim

    Best fruit for attracting flies?

    Try "stinky fruit" its usually located in asian supermarkets. It produces an exrememly fowl smeling scent that attracts flies. It is large and very spiky
  7. Edward Kim

    Horn Health

    I just noticed a dimple on one of my male dwarf jackson's horns. I'm guessing the horns on chameleons are made of keratin? I just figured that feeding them regularly with an assortment of insects gutloaded (Susan James wet gutload) would allocate the necessary nutrients to their horns. I'm...
  8. Edward Kim

    Sweet success!

    Thanks for the support folks. I will definitely keep you guys updated. Ed
  9. Edward Kim

    Sweet success!

    David, Both are absolutely amazing creatures. Although most of my experience with wc specimen IMHO don't seem to last long in captivity. All my current Meru's are cb or cbb and are hardy even in California's hot summers. All the wild caught Meru's i've purchased either never made it passed...
  10. Edward Kim

    Sweet success!

    So it's that time of the year again! I was cleaning the cages today and noticed my 6 month old Meru bobbing his head at an older female. So I put them together and let nature take its course. Should be expecting babies in ~6 to 8 months (hopefully). Ed
  11. Edward Kim

    Pics Of My Panther

    He's stunning!
  12. Edward Kim

    SOCAL moth questions

    SOCAL moth question Lele, They hatched! I'm stunned i expected that they were infertle since they didn't turn yellow. I did as you suggested and took off the lid off allowing fresh air to circulate in the container. I'm still not sure what to feed them so I threw some leafy greens in and...
  13. Edward Kim

    SOCAL moth questions

    Lele, I currently have them in a deli cup with a screen lid for airation. Unfortunately none of the eggs are hatching making them way overdue. I'm going to give them another week because their still holding a turgid appearance. Thanks again i'll keep you updated.
  14. Edward Kim

    moths from outside

    I've been feeding moths to my chams for years and love how much money I save when spring and summer come around. So far no deaths but then again I do live near the mountains where pesticides are used less often.
  15. Edward Kim

    SOCAL moth questions

    Lele, Thank you so much for the information. The female died shortly after laying her eggs and now i'm stuck with approximately 500 eggs. The eggs havn't turn gray and have kept their yellow coloration. Does this mean that they are all infertile? Edward
  16. Edward Kim

    SOCAL moth questions

    Went fishing at seal beach yesterday and found a moth which I later identified as a "salt marsh moth." It was so beautiful I couldn't feed it to my chameleon which turned out to be a great decision because the bugger layed eggs! Does anyone know how to breed them and if their toxic?
  17. Edward Kim

    Advice for New Cham Owner - URI

    Hey Jay, Try wiping some of the excess saliva out of his mouth with a q-tip. I've heard this helps with the wheezing and popping.
  18. Edward Kim

    Advice for New Cham Owner - URI

    Jay its me Eddie! If you can I would demand a refund and have him pay for the shipping! Treating a URI is a hassle especially if you don't have experience keeping chams. Give me a call I got some leftover meds and a good vet if you decide on keeping him. Edward
  19. Edward Kim

    first choice reptiles

    No their definetely ignoring me. i hate companies that ignore you cause you want to see pictures of their animals before you buy. My friends and I are never going to order from them nor support their business. JUST SHADY!
  20. Edward Kim

    What are your "real" jobs

    Marine biologist extrodinare! Currently assisting in the slicing and dicing of fish gonads to study the reproductive biology of California sheephead. Currently single cause I smell of fish!
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