Advice for New Cham Owner - URI


New Member
Hello all,

I'm a new cham owner here and am looking for your advice on both the health of my new cham and suggestions for business practices.

Today, I received a new ambilobe cham from a reputable breeder, around 7 mo.'s in age. The male came in alert and thirsty, readily drank from a misting/drip session.

However, immediately noticed him gasp/gape his mouth as if he's having trouble swallowing. Also, while gasping/gaping stomach flattens/expands and frequently expands beard as if to swallow (pictured in the attachment). While he was drinking noticed a few bubbles and thick saliva. Monitored him the entire day - and the gasping/gaping occurs frequently; although no bubbles.

He was very alert and active today (sleeping now); but did not eat - offered dubia and silkworms. He defecated, it was solid but milky in color.

Does this sound like URI?

I understand that set-up has a lot to do with it; although i noticed the symptoms immediately upon introducing him to my setup--which is all entirely new and has been running for the past week.

- 48x24x24 screen cage
- 100w t-rex mercury flood
- live pothos
- well ventilated area
- basking temp in the 90s
- ambient temp in low 70s

To be frank, i'm uncomfortable having a new cham that has arrived sick. I've talked to the breeder and they want me to ship him back for them to treat and resend, but i'll have to bear one way shipping costs - and for ups early am as requested by breeder - that's $90! The cham's got great color as you can see, but i'm not sure if I should cut my losses and demand a refund.

Appreciate any insights.



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Jay its me Eddie!

If you can I would demand a refund and have him pay for the shipping! Treating a URI is a hassle especially if you don't have experience keeping chams. Give me a call I got some leftover meds and a good vet if you decide on keeping him.

Def has URI

Woke up this morning to hear the popping and choking noises--definitely uri. Doing it quite frequently. Needless to say i'm really dissapointed.

I'm going to send him back.
Demand your money back. I am a breeder and would do everything I could for the customer. One thing is for sure it did not get sick traveling. He was showing symptoms before being shipped,especially for an "experienced breeder".Believe me more people talk about a bad experience than a good one. Good luck with everything.
Thanks chuck for the support. On refunds, in this case is it reasonable to demand that the breeder pay for shipping costs back?

I know a lot of breeders leave shipping costs out of their health/refund policies.
you said he was thirsty and he drank as soon as you got him, is it possible that during this drinking session he inhaled a bit of water or got a bit into his airways?

This happened to my chameleon once and wow it scared the hell out of me I was certain he was gonna die. He started drinking off a leaf that barely had any water on it so I kinda stayed there and sprayed water onto that leaf so it would pool up for him to drink from, but I guess he wasn't ready for it and he ended up getting too big of a gulp to handle. He started freaking out caughing and wheezing, puffing out his throat and stomach, and did this for about 10 minutes and then was fine afterwards. Needless to say, since then I'm extra careful with the misting when I see him drinking.

So could it be possible that your cham is still just trying to cough up any water that may be still trapped in his lungs or something? You said he was still doing it the next morning so yeah I guess the uri is definately possible. Hope you get it all sorted out with the breeder if you do send him back.
yea that's definitely a possibility that he drank water too fast. But all the signs are there today for uri. Still gasping, but now really noticing thick saliva and bubbles throughout the day.

I guess the good thing is that he has an appetite.

Was supposed to get an email this morning from the breeder with the address to ship him back to... Never got one. Called and got the voicemail.

I really hope they're not avoiding me or i'm going to start to have to name names.
Hey Jay,

Try wiping some of the excess saliva out of his mouth with a q-tip. I've heard this helps with the wheezing and popping.
sent back today for a refund. cutting my losses and moving on. thanks ed and everyone else for the advice.

the search continues for a new cham.
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