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  1. Zajlol

    Sunfire baby

    Got him out today. Tomorrow he will be 3 months! :)
  2. Zajlol


    Ok thanks for the help!
  3. Zajlol


    Which ones won't escape? Lol
  4. Zajlol


    Thanks ! Will fruit flies get out of the cage tho? Like can they fit through the wholes of the screen?
  5. Zajlol


    Alrighty thanks :)
  6. Zajlol


    Hi, it's been a while since I've had a baby Cham well I had some questions. I just got my baby panther on Tuesday when should I start to handle him? Also what else can I feed him besides crickets? Like I know mealworms but I just don't know if there to big for him also he is almost 3 months in...
  7. Zajlol

    Prom night?

    Mine was last weekend, mine was roaring 20's, they served dinner there it was ether chicken or stake I picked the chicken the next morning I had food poisoning :'(
  8. Zajlol


    Yea I Kno art they peerrrrttttyyyy! Lol
  9. Zajlol


    Haha oh wow! :D
  10. Zajlol


    Haha I Kno it just poped into my head now, I couldn't think of one till now. Thanks :)
  11. Zajlol


    Haha so after a year and 4 months I finally found a name for my Sambava here it iss.... SPRITE! Haha
  12. Zajlol

    Calling all kammer babies

    New baby panther I got today! Sire is sunfire!
  13. Zajlol

    Sunfire baby

    Thanks! :)
  14. Zajlol

    Sunfire baby

    thanks! :d
  15. Zajlol

    Sunfire baby

    Today I finally got my sunfire baby Cham from the kammers!! He looks amazing already!! I already can see some blue, green, and red! U can't really see in the pic but here he is!
  16. Zajlol

    i want to see ur set up!

    My male panthers enclosure...
  17. Zajlol

    So tired of these threads..

    Yesterday I was at pet smart getting crickets, the guy asked what I was feeding to and I said chameleon he was like cool we just got one in (jackson) and I went to go look... It was wrong! There was NO water source, and looked like the one in the picture...
  18. Zajlol

    Got my first Chameleon this morning

    I'm getting mine Tuesday! Can't wait I'll also have one of his brothers!
  19. Zajlol

    Look what I'm getting :D :D

    He looked really good! Haha
  20. Zajlol

    Look what I'm getting :D :D

    It's official there shipping him Monday night get him Tuesday can't wait!!!
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