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  1. tglassburner

    Hornworms are digging in! How long now?(with pics)

    Where in ohio are you? Im in the NE corner.
  2. tglassburner

    Proper temps for veiled chams?

    Would the same go for a female? What about juvies?
  3. tglassburner

    Hornworms are digging in! How long now?(with pics)

    The worms grew way too big for my chams. I figured what the heck lect them pupate and see what we get.
  4. tglassburner

    Hornworms are digging in! How long now?(with pics)

    Some of my hornworms are digging into the ground. How long until they re-emerge? Karma wondering when she gets to eat a moth.
  5. tglassburner

    Proper temps for veiled chams?

    What is the proper temp for veiled chams? I cannot get a straight answer anywhere. What should basking temp be? What should ambient daytime be? What should ambient nighttime be?
  6. tglassburner

    Small millipede things in soil.

    would they be dangerous to a cham if eaten?
  7. tglassburner

    Wood & Vines... Fake or Real???

    Got a pic or link?
  8. tglassburner

    Crested gecko housed with pygmy chams?...will it work?

    Ditto, what cslinca said.
  9. tglassburner

    New name, new enclosure

    She will only be ma until she sees the "crazy eyes". Crazy eye resistance is futile!
  10. tglassburner

    New name, new enclosure

    Don't tell my wife, but getting a panther to put in it.
  11. tglassburner

    New name, new enclosure

    So I have decided I am going to call him Zen. I was informed that the cage I ordered for him will be delayed, so I went to a local hardware store bought some hardware cloth and re-purposed what was going to be my free range. Zen's new "temple". Mist nozzle (mist'r lizard) Zen...
  12. tglassburner

    Help me help him.

    I'm proud to announce that he is now duct tape free! Has a mister installed! (Mist'r Lizard) And was last seen hanging out in his new new digs.
  13. tglassburner

    Update on rescued veiled

    My wife liked the name Zen. He was free ranging on his ficus this afternoon and seemed to enjoy it.
  14. tglassburner

    Update on rescued veiled

    I like it.
  15. tglassburner

    Update on rescued veiled

    I don't get it.
  16. tglassburner

    Update on rescued veiled

    New guy ate 2 medium sized dubia roaches, 4 superworms, and 1 cricket. He drinks from the morning mist but hates the early evening mist. Anyone have any name suggestions? My female is named Karma if that helps.
  17. tglassburner

    Took a Fall,

    I was under the impression that glass was bad for most cham species. Maybe you could get him a screen cage.
  18. tglassburner

    How many herps?

    I have 2 chams, 2 leopard geckos, a breeding pair of crested geckos, and 1 Frog Eye Gecko, I have a total of 7.
  19. tglassburner

    Help me help him.

    I was under the impression that mealworms can easily cause impaction.
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