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  1. crocky

    Bearded dragon pair FS

    Male is SOLD
  2. crocky

    Bearded dragon pair FS

    To the top :D. This guy is a beaut and has a great personality!
  3. crocky

    where to get best absolute deal on dubia roaches?

    Pm sent. I will be selling my adult colony.
  4. crocky

    What a roller coaster...

    Thanks! Yeah busy, busy for sure. It will get better though and I keep holding on to that when thinking about Waldo, I love him so and I am struggling with the thought of having to sale him, so for now I am going with my gut and i think i will let it ride another week or so, and re evaluate...
  5. crocky

    A Tribute to Sid

    Just catching up on some threads and Jann, my heart goes out to you with all the challenges you and your Cham family have faced lately! Keep your spirits up and we are thinking of you over here in NC!!
  6. crocky

    What a roller coaster...

    The last few weeks have been....I have worked from home for a few years now and just in the last month or so I have had a few additions to my job duties which require traveling and I am not home as much. Typically gone 4 days out of the week. I typically get home in the evenings but boy I am...
  7. crocky

    Bearded dragon pair FS

    That--> ^^^^^
  8. crocky

    Bearded dragon pair FS

    Last price drop $400 shipped for the male or $350 and buyer pays/sends the shipping label.
  9. crocky

    Bearded dragon pair FS

    Male is $450 shipped
  10. crocky

    Bearded dragon pair FS

    Bumping this up! Beautiful male! had him out today hanging out with me and he is such a sweetie! I am sure someone is interested in him :D also have a large adult Dubia colony I will be selling. I will post a FS thread once I can get an approximate count. But in the mean time give me a...
  11. crocky

    Sid had a stroke and Jr is still bleeding

    Thinking about you and the boys Jann!
  12. crocky

    Any construction folks out there?

    Thought I would update this to say thanks again for the help and I think it came out pretty good. I actually finished a while ago but still need to finish off the post etc. got me thinking about it with the warmer weather and opening up the pool :) not perfect but hey neither am I ;)
  13. crocky

    Moondragon blue Ambanja female!

    HOLY hottie! She is gorgeous!
  14. crocky

    Update on Walker

    Yep, yep, I see some blue :)
  15. crocky

    Oops,, sorry kitties...

    LOL, when you got to go, you got to go :D
  16. crocky

    Regal Jumping Spiders!!

    Awesome pics, thanks for sharing. I could not even imagine feeding off spiders. I am not the most feminine lady but the true girl comes out in me when i see a spider of any kind. Not sure why but it may be my lack of knowledge on which ones are safe etc and not taking the time to...
  17. crocky

    Silkworm bandit!

    LOl on the pooping and eating. Muti tasking at its finest!
  18. crocky

    baby Jackson chillin on a leaf

    I have not been on much lately because of work and some other things going on but There were several threads I was particular looking for when I logged on today and the update on the babies was one of them. So glad they are all doing well.
  19. crocky

    Happy 5 week old fuzzy puppy, Cooper

    Wow look at him go! Great job Cheryl, he would not be here if it was not for you, your dedication and your love. And yes you MUST fine a way to keep him!!!
  20. crocky

    New pics of little Kokie

    Kokie is one handsome fella!
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