Kokie is still a little shy and hasn't 'free ranged' yet, and HATES my camera, but sometimes me lets me take a few.
This pic, he just shed and had some old skin stuck in his horns;
Thanks, its hard to get pics of him.
When he is on his branch and sees me coming with the camera, he does
the famous "roll" LOL
Once I get him to were he is not afraid of my touch, I will let him free range.
I could let him out now, but collecting him to put back in the cage would
cause him way too much stress and may even set my taming back a few steps, as I am now in process of earning his trust, I would not want to interfere with that delicate process
Kokie is such a cutie! My friend has a J. Jacksonii and he is so brightly coloured yet very shy. She also has Xanths and got my Monty from her. I just love Jacksons!