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  1. SoCaliSon

    Time for Luie and Camille not-so-baby pics!

    Some Great Looking Veileds! My Lombardi grew fast just like some of these guys... He was Pushing the 100 gram mark at about 6.5 months I believe. Are you speaking from your own experience in raising Veileds? Too big compared too what? Too fat? I see a Healthy happy veiled... In no way...
  2. SoCaliSon

    My sweet little girl Camille

    She really is an exceptional female! I always love me some Camille. Awesome Shots Jann!
  3. SoCaliSon

    DR GONZO baby thread

    I remember the day the original thread with Dr. Gonzo and Raule Duke posing outside for Ryan in all their adolesent glory first hit the boards. I remember those pics specifically! Back then you would have never known he would be the celeb he is today. lol Here is my Gonzo boy! Dr. O.G.
  4. SoCaliSon

    Selling my baby Jacks when they get older....

    Not to be rude... But I highly doubt it. EDIT: LOL... Sorry.. I just misread your comment. I suppose you would be safe to say that the chameleons that birthed out in your home are CB.:o;)
  5. SoCaliSon

    It's been too long my friends...

    So I thought this would be a fun place to post a funny encounter about the show this weekend. On Friday Ryan and I were walking in to the show from the far side of the fairplex to set up and I recognized a farmilar face. Shorty from Animal Planets "Pit Boss" was working with two Pit Bulls...
  6. SoCaliSon

    It's been too long my friends...

    Thanks Everyone... @ Jessica... Yeah I find myself watch the Jax a lot... I absolutely love this species. I feel myself diving deeper into Jackson's very soon. Thanks Juli... When they are available it will be from Tiki TIki Reptile... and you will be the first to know.
  7. SoCaliSon

    It's been too long my friends...

    Thanks Guys! Yeah all of this in one day... LOL... As you can imagine it was a bit of work with all the cages and plants to clean, and set up, not to mention the small fortune we spent doing it. I see in Cassie the same excitement I felt when I was new in chams. I love it. She is really...
  8. SoCaliSon

    It's been too long my friends...

    It has been far too long since I have been able to post any threads, animal pics, or had an animals to take pics of (aside from my boy Lombardi). But after working the Super Show in Pomona with the Tiki Tiki crew again, and being able to keep animals in my home once more, Cassie and I came home...
  9. SoCaliSon

    fred babies

    I say the last two shots are male... Can't really tell on the first shot.
  10. SoCaliSon

    My Dr. Gonzo boy

    Hey Shawn! It was awesome meeting you at the show man. Your little guy looks like he settling in very nicely. You have your self a killer looking group of chams that is for sure. PS. I brought his brother home from the show with me ;). We will have to compare pics as they both...
  11. SoCaliSon


    Ficus Benjamina... or "Weeping Fig" is mildly toxic, but not to such a level that it is considered a threat to your chameleon. I have kept ficus in cages for years with no issues whatsoever. Also... Be carefull as some types of "Umbrella" plant are highly toxic for chams and would want to...
  12. SoCaliSon

    More "lombardi" babies

    Do you know an accurate Male/Female ratio yet? Just gimme a call tonight at home if you get a chance. I wanna come pick some up real soon here.
  13. SoCaliSon

    More "lombardi" babies

    So what's the total count Rob?
  14. SoCaliSon

    update 8 lil pygs

    Awesome Stuff Robbie. Happy lookin' little Pygs. You have too many though, I would recommend moving two or three into the Viv I have ready in at my house. ; )
  15. SoCaliSon

    Yoda died last night

    Sorry to hear about this Royden... He was a legend. At least we have your beautiful images to remember him by,
  16. SoCaliSon

    Another new fungus in chameleons.

    Wow... Try reading that Article out loud and not sound like an idiot pronouncing some of the terminology. LOL Very interesting... Thanks.
  17. SoCaliSon

    Pet Pic LOOK-A-LIKES!!!

  18. SoCaliSon

    Pet Pic LOOK-A-LIKES!!!

    Our Brussels Griffon Addy ...
  19. SoCaliSon

    Do panther chameleons make good pets

    I have Guinea Pigs and Chameleons!!! :cool: But I have to say a chameleon, Panther included, is one of the coolest pets you can own... but I am incredibly biased.
  20. SoCaliSon

    2 Short Funny Reptile Videos

    Marge is awesome!!! I wan't one!!! I wonder how I can con a Baby Sulcata outta Tyler? :D
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