My Dr. Gonzo boy


Chameleon Enthusiast
I'm lovin this guy. I can't wait to see how he'll turn out, hopefully like his dad :D


thought I'd add some more pics of my nosy be pair. Neptune is getting bluer and bluer every day and Ariel is getting bigger and fatter fast!


(this is a horrible pic! looks like I contrasted it to the max, it was the flash :eek:)

Hey Shawn! It was awesome meeting you at the show man. Your little guy looks like he settling in very nicely.

You have your self a killer looking group of chams that is for sure.

PS. I brought his brother home from the show with me ;). We will have to compare pics as they both mature!

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Hey Shawn! It was awesome meeting you at the show man. Your little guy looks like he settling in very nicely.

You have your slef a killer looking group of chams that is for sire.

PS. I brought his brother home from the show with me ;). We will have to compare pics as they both mature!


lol there was one left? your lucky wheres the pics?????????
Dr. Gonzo is Beautiful! You're baby is gonna be a real stunner!
Nice Nosy Be and Ambilobe as well, you've got some nice chams!
I picked up a beautiful male Eurydactylodes agricolae. Only syn is going to know what that is and she is going to be very jealous.

1 Male : Eurydactylodes agricolae
1 DREAMSICLE Leopard gecko
4 Ambanja Females , 1 Male and 4 new species of Roach.
Hey Shawn! It was awesome meeting you at the show man. Your little guy looks like he settling in very nicely.

You have your self a killer looking group of chams that is for sure.

PS. I brought his brother home from the show with me ;). We will have to compare pics as they both mature!

It was really nice meeting you too! We should keep eachother updated as our boys grow up :D
Dr. Gonzo is Beautiful! You're baby is gonna be a real stunner!
Nice Nosy Be and Ambilobe as well, you've got some nice chams!
Thank you!

WOW! They all look great. Your ambilobe looks just like Raoul when he is sleeping.

Joe got one of my holdbacks :D
Thanks ryan :D and thank you Ellron and ShaunalynnA for the compliments :)
The baby looks really cute! The nosy be has a brilliant blue color as well. I'm really looking forward to getting another cham. :)
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