They get misted once a day (in the morning, an hour after lights on). I added a 40w basking bulb in a dome that sits about 15" above the highest point they can get to and it does a good job of drying things up. It's usually completly dry about 2-3 hours after misting.
One of my Bradypodion transvaalense cages. Finally got over this Flu and took a trip out to a friend's home in NJ and took a walk in the woods and collected some branchy pieces for my Bradys. I washed with a 10% Bleach/water mix and let dry. (too large to bake.)
Yea man, i can't wait. He is starting to show some yellows and eating like a pig, so time will tell.
. lol, Thanks and done!
Yea, i downsized a bit to acquire them. I really like the smaller Chams, lil bit of a shame they can't be kept in glass. I'll be keeping a log of my observations of...
They are here!! Tanks to Paul (ShowJet) for making this import possible.
These are CB animals from Germany. I got a 1.1 pair and here they are. They still have lots of growing to do. They are very bold little chameleons.
The male
The pair waiting to be fed
I can't wait for the...
Well after a bit of waiting they are finally here. Amazing Chams and sooooooo small and colorful.
Thanks to Paul "ShowJet" for all the hard work on this import so that we are able to work with these guys on US soil. They are setteling in nicely and eating like pigs.
Pix give these Chams...
Thanks. Yea the void can still be seen. Thats why i did a bit of a leaf litter.
I will be using 5% AutoGlass tint to tint the bottom section on the front and sides.
Thanks for the info. I was considering using moss as a substrate. I have even heard stories of some Bradypodion sp burrowing into the moss. ( for what reason, i'm not sure)
So a week or so ago i went to a local glass place and they had 1/8" glass instock and i brought the top of the cage ( where the glass will seat) and he cut the glass for me.. Wasn't bad, cost about $30 for the 4 pieces needed. They were 10" tall.
The profiles i got from JungleBox. Thanks...