Yeah some like to drink in private. Just keep an eye on her urate. Many times with Jacksons it may take 5 minutes of straight mistings before they get interested and start drinking. For sure get some kind of dripper going ASAP. You can even create your own. Just use a milk jug and poke some...
For all interested on a good way to keep ants and other unwanted pests away read my Blog. Let me know what you think.
I have seen some people post about the problems with ants they have been having and now that its summer it seems ants are more out and about then ever. Ants can be very deadly killing off your entire colony or even kill your Cham. The best method I have found and this works really good is to...
I agree I am pretty sure she is gravid. Mine looked like that not too long ago and just had 10 babies the other day. They tend to slow way down on eating before giving birth and may get quite grumpy and are not as active. Make sure that she is getting plenty of water and the humidity is up...
Also you want to pack the dirt enough to where its harder for the males to dig up the eggs as the female can still stick her ovipositor in the dirt and lay the eggs. As others have said the screen on top is a good idea but I have never had to use it. But if the dirt is loose the males will...
So sorry you lost a female due to ants :( Ants are very annoying. I do something similar but I use vegetable oil. It will catch anything that tries to cross so even fire ants that can build a bridge across water do not stand a chance. I use this method for all my feeder bins as well.