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  1. Monzon

    hungry hip hoe

  2. Monzon

    some hoehnelii breeding information

    From your description, it sounds like she is probably gravid. How long have they been paired together? Pictures of her patterns would be helpful.
  3. Monzon

    8 month highland hoehnelii

    From : Geographic Range Range Description: This species is endemic to East Africa, where it ranges from Nairobi north and northwest through the high country and across the rift valley. It has been recorded on the top of the...
  4. Monzon

    yes, that's a fruit fly

    No, he didn't go for that one. Instead he did this:
  5. Monzon

    yes, that's a fruit fly

    They induce ocd...
  6. Monzon

    8 month highland hoehnelii

    Let me know what you find out. I will start drilling down a bit deeper too. Anyone out there? I know Chris A. has worked with this species for years. Thanks.
  7. Monzon

    yes, that's a fruit fly

  8. Monzon

    8 month highland hoehnelii

    I'm not really a cladistics guy. I do wish that very specific locale information accompanied imports so that I could research daily and seasonal weather patterns to better inform my husbandry. I know that there is at least one hoehnelii book available in german. My animals: "Idahoes"?
  9. Monzon

    8 month highland hoehnelii

    Thanks. The patterns are interesting and ever changing. I suppose I don't know for certain if this is a "highland" variety. I purchased the parents from an import of Kenyan Highland animals, and I have trusted in that. I know that the range of hoehnelii varieties is extensive. I have...
  10. Monzon

    one week hoehnelii

    Thanks. Fun little guys to hang out with.
  11. Monzon

    8 month highland hoehnelii

  12. Monzon

    Two Fathers to One Clutch

    That should be on your list Chris! And while you're at it you could delve a bit deeper into UV reflectance communication. Good stuff!
  13. Monzon

    one week hoehnelii

  14. Monzon

    Two Fathers to One Clutch

    I am wondering the same thing in regards to "retained" sperm. So many female reptiles can multiple clutch from a single mating. If she is later mated to a specific, single male, then it seems possible that some of her offspring are from retained and some from new DNA. I have read about how...
  15. Monzon

    some hoehnelii breeding information

    My adult female hoehnelii gave birth to 7, healthy, active babies a week ago. She also dropped 4 slugs that were unfertilized. I know that mating is often a multiple "session" activity over several days. But I separated these adults while the male was regrouping. This was an unplanned...
  16. Monzon

    Wild Caught Bugs?

    About 6.5 months a year, I use a butterfly sweep net. I dump all the insects I sweep into the enclosure. I have seen my chams (I work primarily with hoehnelii) eat all kinds of crazy insects. I have seen them catch and spit out certain types. And I have seen them look carefully at and then...
  17. Monzon

    Arnold is 8 years old today!

    What a fantastic old gentleman! So distinguished looking. Clearly he has had a great life so far.
  18. Monzon

    New Greenhouse Plants and a Parsonii

    The plants, the chameleons, the greenhouse - all very cool!
  19. Monzon

    8 month hoehnelii

  20. Monzon

    What Kind of Water?

    For me, an RO system with a reservoir/pressure tank and a high quality misting system like aquazamp or mist king, provides hassle free peace of mind. It is a bit of a financial commitment at first, (but if you are in it for the long haul it is actually similar in cost to the least expensive...
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