I would not underestimate the importance of a 12 hour, uninterrupted, unilluminated night's sleep. The jungle is not a peaceful place, but it is an incredibly dark place at night...
I use RO because I had a system from my saltwater days. My personal feeling is that RO or distilled is best for chameleon health. My reasoning is that RO and distilled best approximate rainwater - particularly in pH. Chameleons don't just hydrate with water, they also wash/rinse their eyes...
The idea that RO or distilled water is unhealthy for living organisms is a myth. Also, sediment can, fairly quickly, clog nozzles. If your nozzles are clogging quickly then an inexpensive sediment filter will help. If you have high Total Dissolved Solids (different from sediment) in your...
I do a 12 hr. because Jax and Hoenelii are equatorial, but I agree with Olimpia that it is fine to follow natural day length. I think what is important is that you timer all your lights. If you have very consistent photoperiods, then you will see your animals "preparing for bed time" towards...
I mist for 2 reasons: mainly to provide water for drinking and eye cleaning, but also to increase enclosure humidity in my dry climate. I run all of the programs on my mistking timer (I think 8), but some for only 10 seconds. I do not heat the water so I run my long misting sessions early in...
In Jakarta? Could you hang a sheet out at night with a light on it to attract and catch some flying insects? When I was in Indo, it seemed like there were dragon flies everywhere during the day. Offer him up some variety - he looks really healthy to me.
Chameleons seem to have personal preferences about how they like to drink their water. I have had well hydrated animals that I never saw drink, I have had a male jax that would come to the red nozzle of my sprayer, I have a female hoehnelii that likes to drink from a glass medicine dropper. My...