Back from weekend. My temp is about at 23 - 29C at most (sorry converted mixed F and C wrong). I have a humidifier and fogger system installed for them. I took some new pictures of them this weekend. It does seem like the male is younger. He was smaller from the beginning. Yes it’s true.... Some...
After I looked at your pair, it does seem like it. The other guy told me one might be Calumma parsonii cristifer. Guy that imported them said they were caught randomly across Madagascar. They might also differ in age.
Bought these two Parsons last year. They were young - about 8 - 10months. Guy said they are a pair. Couldn't sex them( post last year: ) . 95% of people told me they are both males. They started to show some colour...
I have a guy offering me a Chamaeleo (Trioceros) werneri female. He says she is about a year old. I think she might be older. How long do they live? I dont want to buy her if she's got only one more year left in her, because I think thats the reason this guy is selling her. She's not cheap(you...
hi.trouble with my internet. on my phone right now. ill take pics as soon as i can. i got her to drink water today. both eyes are shut. sad. feel helpless.
Hi. I have gravid veiled chameleon. Both eyes are closed and seems swolen. They have a grey/black "bags" underneath the eyes. We dont have a vet that can help. What can I do?
not happy to hear that I might have lost them. i didnt want to face the truth. dont want to move them to check for vains just yet. i thought if an egg is infertile it shrivels up in a week or so after being layed?