Good point i should actually check it out, i know what you talking about its those little red bugs. Though i have not seen them around my place but i dont normaly let him walk around on grass and ground. It was just to take a few pics. Ill be updating cages etc and the baby female panther.
Hi Guys
I have two threads were i have updated you guys. I would like to create this one with all my chameleons in one place :D
The Old thread with Very nice Juv pics check it out ---->
I don't want to come across as an ass here just looking out for you and the chameleon, It totally illegal to own a flapneck chameleon in South Africa. You may not keep any indigenous South African chameleon species with out a permit. Your best bet is to let it go or ask were a good place to do...
You are rite a fully grown Panther could easily swallow one. Jimbo at the moment is only 7 months old the marbles i have a quite large :) It wont fit. but i better monitor it. Ill remove it.
I have have the same issue with my panther they seem to go down and eat the soil or bark big chunks for that matter.
I took marbles and covered the top base of the plant so he cant access the soil and stuff i was worried it could harm him and cause compaction.
I think it is a natural thing for...
I cant upload any more pics via the site
See the thread above. He is a cross red bar Amabnja. Will be updating his thread soon. He has nice red rings starting to appear on his tail now.