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  1. SageZA

    Veileds, Panthers, Jacksons update

    Very nice update. Awesome Chameleons Quick Question how old is your panther?
  2. SageZA

    5.0 or 10.0

    Exo Terra Repti Glo 5.0 14w Compact the 14w Tube is useless to weak for my liking. But Do not put the compact inside the cage get a clamp lamp.
  3. SageZA

    Rocco - Its Official No more crickets

    Cool. I got him a large reptibreeze so he can hunt feeders down. Without them escaping :-) WIll try roaches if i find the right size
  4. SageZA

    Rocco - Its Official No more crickets

    That is also an option and i was also thinking of changing to the black crickets they are darker. Thanks
  5. SageZA

    Rocco - Its Official No more crickets

    Yes, I will be looking at options to spoil him this weekend. The GF just picked up some super worms a few min ago ill let that run around in his cage :) till the weekend and try get some gaga grubs or BSF flies.
  6. SageZA

    Rocco - Its Official No more crickets

    Thanks Guys.....
  7. SageZA

    Jimbo @ 3. months (Uber Pic Heavy)

    Yea he defiantly has nosy be in him lol... He nose seems to have a bit of a split in the center. Shit i cannot upload anymore pic on chameleon forums :( FAil
  8. SageZA

    Jimbo @ 3. months (Uber Pic Heavy)

    A few more Pic for you Guys.....
  9. SageZA


    Does she get any natural sunlight? I find my panther sheds quicker when he is outside all warmed up moving around with lots of humidity.
  10. SageZA

    Rocco - Its Official No more crickets

    Meal worms are his main Diet at the moment. I can get super worms but thats about it. I think i should try a darker color cricket perhaps.
  11. SageZA

    repiglo 5.0 compact 26watt flourescent bulb

    If the compact is at a good distance from the cham it cannot cause blindness. I use Compact repti glo 5.0 compacts with all my cham's and no issues. Just make sure its a good distance from the cham, dont plonk it inside the cage.
  12. SageZA

    Rocco - Its Official No more crickets

    Yip...... My Veiled doesn't do Crickets anymore. Its been 2 to 3 months since he stopped zapping up crickets. I have kept them away from him for a month and tried to re-introduce it to him. So its official he doesn't eat them anymore. He mainly eats meal worms. Do you guys have...
  13. SageZA

    Gizmo my panther is trying to eat fake plants

    My Panther at 3 months + bites vine bark leaves etc. Teething? :D My Veiled did it to. Sometimes it means they do not like an object in the cage :)
  14. SageZA

    Jimbo @ 3. months (Uber Pic Heavy)

    Not really in it to breed. Will see what happens. Trying to get the biggest female he has.
  15. SageZA

    Jackson Chameleon Babies Help

    I always keep my juv chams in a plastic container ä non toxic one :) They always seem to notice the droplets on the side, they lick it off. Lol i always go on a good shopping spree to get a perfect solution then it comes to juv's :) innovate. It is hard to find the perfect container trust...
  16. SageZA

    Jimbo @ 3. months (Uber Pic Heavy)

    Sheddingness time!!!! First Pic is yesterday afternoon around 17:00 Sencond Pic is 7am this morning. As you can see my chameleons are not robots they get it as natural as possible. :D Chamneeds im getting a female from Paul in two weeks time. It will be my GF's Ms :D
  17. SageZA


    Agreed my 4 month old ambanja is a freak when he sheds. I put them outside every morning with a warm water drippier. He started shedding this morning too and is running around rubbing against everything, scratching himself with his back legs.
  18. SageZA

    Panther Cross breeding

    I own a Hybrid Cross Ambanja. He is as strong as can be. Feed well and growing like a weed. I have never seen anything as stunning as he.
  19. SageZA

    Jimbo @ 3. months (Uber Pic Heavy)

    Thanks Man. Listen man you selling Jacksons right? could i book one please.
  20. SageZA

    Jimbo @ 3. months (Uber Pic Heavy)

    Here are some of my Vieled Rocco Dont worry about the small crix in the cage i do give him large that was just for fun as i got him a large repti breeze this week.
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