Rocco - Its Official No more crickets


New Member

My Veiled doesn't do Crickets anymore.

Its been 2 to 3 months since he stopped zapping up crickets.

I have kept them away from him for a month and tried to re-introduce it to him.

So its official he doesn't eat them anymore.

He mainly eats meal worms.

Do you guys have any advise?


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What does he eat other than the mealworms? They can be healthy without crickets but a diet of mainly mealworms wouldn't be good... Have you tried withholding food altogether for a few days and then offering him only crickets when you know he's super hungry?

There are others here that have encountered this problem and several who couldn't get their cham to eat crickets again, and they're able to keep them healthy using other feeders. I'm sure one of them will have a suggestion for a diet plan if you can't get him to go back to the crix.
Meal worms are his main Diet at the moment.

I can get super worms but thats about it.

I think i should try a darker color cricket perhaps.
does your veiled like fruits? mine loves kiwi and a couple times when i was trying to give him medicine he wasnt interested in the cricket so i rubber some kiwiw juice on it and he ate it right up. just a thought, as stated prev, i dont believe that mealworm are a good staple diet. i would do some reasearch on that one.
best of luvk hoj
you location says south africa, isnt there lots of crazy bugs there you could feed your cham.
you location says south africa, isnt there lots of crazy bugs there you could feed your cham.

Yes, I will be looking at options to spoil him this weekend.

The GF just picked up some super worms a few min ago ill let that run around in his cage :) till the weekend and try get some gaga grubs or BSF flies.
Mine went on a cricket strike recently, and I noticed that on the days I would dust them with Miner-all O, he would eat them. No dust-wouldn't eat. He has since started to eat crickets again for whatever reason. You might try something like that. Maybe the color when dusted looked more tempting or something.:confused:
Mine went on a cricket strike recently, and I noticed that on the days I would dust them with Miner-all O, he would eat them. No dust-wouldn't eat. He has since started to eat crickets again for whatever reason. You might try something like that. Maybe the color when dusted looked more tempting or something.:confused:

That is also an option and i was also thinking of changing to the black crickets they are darker.

Can you get large/adult locusts over there or a they banned like in the US?

These are the staple of my Adult Yemen's over here in the UK. You could try large Dubia cockroaches if you can get them, but I have one who loves them and one that does not bother with them at all - so it will be down to the preference of the particular chameleon. Flies/moths may also be good to try as they move in an appetising way (from a chameleons point of view ofcourse)!
Mine went on a cricket strike recently, and I noticed that on the days I would dust them with Miner-all O, he would eat them. No dust-wouldn't eat. He has since started to eat crickets again for whatever reason. You might try something like that. Maybe the color when dusted looked more tempting or something.:confused:

sounds like he likes the berry flavour if you have the same mineral i do ( berry flavoured )
picky little guys they can be
We do not have as many feeeders readily available like most of the people in the U.S

We can get mostly crickets, mealworms, superworms, silkworms if its the right time and cockroaches, maybe waxworms if you are really lucky.

Chris, why dont you try feeding him some cockroaches?
I have a colony of lobster roaches going, only problem with roaches is that they are quite fast and like to jumo...aaand they run up the side of the containers, glass or plastic..but you can put a bit of vaseline around the top of the tubs which stops them from getting any further...

They are a good staple food aswell, just like crickets.

Cockroaches are also extremely easy to breed and they dont stink like crickets colonies.
Cool. I got him a large reptibreeze so he can hunt feeders down. Without them escaping :) WIll try roaches if i find the right size
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