The compact 14 watt or 25 watt repti glo compacts are fine if they are at least 20 to 25 cm above the cage.
The little 14 watt tubes do not pack that much of a punch unless you using it in a small repti breeze for example.
but i see you using a mercury bulb that fine.
No worries at all...
One more thing try loose all the substrate keep the bottom clean.
Did you buy the ceramic heater who suggested this to you? I would rather go for a basking bulb 50 watt Neodymium.
Please upload any pic's you have atm.
Thats the spirit all chameleon owners should have :D
I had the same issue with my baby panther a few weeks back, the issue was light intensity, he was just getting used to his new cage and lights, Any animal with eyes just like us need to adjust when moved into a new environment (cage) thing...
OK so i have done a few upgrades for Jimbo as it was time to come out of the container.
1x Repribreeze Medium - 16" x 16" x 30"H 40cm X 40cm X 50cm
1x 14 watt Repti Glo 5.0 Tube
1x Sun Glo Halogen neodymium 50 wat
1x Schefflera arboricola with vine and Branch Ill be installing the vine this...
Hi yea its a one of the species you find in South Africa in the Knysna area, they call it Bradypodion damaranum. Knysna Dwarf Chameleon.
I am not allowed to keep them as they are indigenous to South Africa :( The only way to keep them is if i Import capacitively breed.
Here is some more info...
Thought as much. Been reading up on his dealings on the reptileforumssa.
Paul i wanted to ask i moved Jim into a small reptibreeze 14 watt repti glo 5 with the 50 watt sun glo basking bulb its the perfect size for him now.
I am going to start feeding x-small crix instead of pin heads from...
OMW he is stunning!!!!
I also have a baby Ambanja Panther just moved him into a small reptibreeze.
I named my Ambanja Jimbo............
I looked at your boy and the name Scofield came to mind? what do you think.
Let me help you out here. Your setup has some major issues!
1) You need a UVB 5.0 tube [Reptisun 5.0] (A repti sun 10 is for Dessert Animals as in Bearded Dragons) another brand is the exo-terra reptiglo 5.0
You cannot use a standard house hold florescent light. This is a big no no, it...
My Personal Advise would be no! If you have loads of experience and a really nice setup then maby.
Look what happened here.
I suggest you save the money and get a separate cage for your Frogs gecko etc. I think...