Hello! :)
Some of you may remember that I made a few threads here a while ago in preparation to take on the responsibility of chameleon care. I ended up dropping off the site entirely when it occurred to me that I hadn't posted in a long while and decided that posting late would seem kind of...
I was thinking an arcadia D3 6%, but I'm going to look around some stores hopefully and see what I can find. I haven't considered the specific brand of supplements, so that's yet another thing that I could benefit from advice on.
Male veiled, the same roaches that you mentioned as good in an earlier post (orange-headed, ivory-headed, dubia, green banana, and red runner, though it depends on what I can get my hands on), and I will do some research on gut-loading to see again which foods are best for it as I can't remember...
Here is what I am planning on buying for a future chameleon.
https://dragonstrand.com/product/large-keeper-screen-chameleon-cage-kit/ Adult cage setup (I've heard that one should get a small cage beforehand for a young chameleon. Is that true?)...
Oh, okay, gotcha. So, maybe the six-to-eight month range then? I want to see the chameleon grow up and maximize my time with him, but don't want to mistreat him.
Okay, so I just seem to have more and more questions: Where would be a good source to buy small chameleon cage before I upgrade? What size should it be? Why is it necessary? Or, as a beginner, should I alter my specifications and start with an eight-month-old chameleon?
No, I considered FLchams and still wish that I could purchase from there but they don't have the permits to sell to Canada and if they did the effort plus money involved wouldn't make it worth it for anyone involved. That said, Driskel is one of the most beautiful chameleons that I have seen...
Now all I have left to figure out is how to measure humidity and temperature! Would a simple, external thermometer do? Oh, and should I buy a dripper or make my own?
Thanks, guys, this is all really helpful! I've also heard that one can make a dripper by simply filling a cup with water and poking a hole in the bottom, securing it to the side of the cage. Should I do that or get an official dripper? Also, right now my "shopping cart" looks like this: