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  1. crocky

    New cham is coming to live with the Psychobunny's

    He is a handsome little guy! Congrats and looking forward to some pics when he is settled in!
  2. crocky

    Escape Dubia Roaches

    Yep I use to find them pretty frequently but I have to say the times I find them, they are all dead. But it worries me to think which ones were able to make it to some place warm before they died. :eek: I think the reason I had so many is that my dragons are messy eaters and they tend to...
  3. crocky

    I am having humidity troubles

    I agree on the measuring device. What are you using? I have found the dials to be pretty inaccurate or inconsitent rather, for the most part. When I started I had three and all three were saying different humidities even when in the same place. Two of them were way different. Then I...
  4. crocky

    milk face

    LOL, I was thinking baby seal too...what a cutie you have there. How is Quinn doing?
  5. crocky

    Anyone use electronic cigarettes?

    I just realized the blu cartos will fit my ego so that is good to know. I also refill the blu cartos which make it nice and less expensive! I was thinking of just getting another battery from blu since they are only $12.00 but for now the two are doing fin with me. I like the case charger.
  6. crocky

    TJ is off for a 6 hour drive to the vet

    Laurie so sorry to hear this news! RIP TJ
  7. crocky

    THAT post! :D My New Baby was born!!!!!!!

    Welcome to the world Lucas! Congrats to you and the hubby!
  8. crocky

    Senegal... Should I??

    He is gorgeous, loving that bright green!
  9. crocky

    Sleeping possum...

    Flomar looks like he is a character and good at getting things he wants :D Thanks for sharing Lisa!
  10. crocky

    Deremensis + cage

    Love the set up and Cham! Do you free feed and if so do you find that feeders get behind the faux walls or eat from it?
  11. crocky

    Anyone use electronic cigarettes?

    Yeah I am pretty impressed for a local store e cig. I am going to get one of the "my7's" probably as well and compare the two. The one thing I noticed right off with the blu is that the battery wears down quick. But it comes with two.
  12. crocky

    Can't believe this Birthday present.

    WOW!! That is a nice Bday present :) did you know about it? Happy Birthday early by the way!
  13. crocky

    New Dutchie arrived to the forums

    Welcome! Wow, looks like you have your hands full! Would love to see pics!
  14. crocky

    Eva's first day FR

    Good for Eva! Once you free range they have this way of looking at you with those eyes that make you feel guilty if you don't open that cage. They love it :)
  15. crocky

    Anyone use electronic cigarettes?

    You can choose the amount of nicotine in the cartridges or the drip juices. I have some drip juice that is pretty strong, then again I smoke lights and ultra lights....:rolleyes: But I feel the burn in my throat on some more than others, some were quite unpleasant actually. I am a wimpy...
  16. crocky

    new caddy, not such a good idea...

    LOL, he is handsome and he looks like he knows it :D
  17. crocky

    Anyone use electronic cigarettes?

    I bought the blu starter kits today for $47.99 each at Fred's foods. Cheapest price around. Anyway, I wanted to get a different one but the fact I can pick up cartridges locally kind of sold me on the blu. I could nto find any local olaces that sold some of the other brands i was looking...
  18. crocky

    Wisteria vine

    Just wanted to update this thread to say I put them in after making my last post and no problems. They are great vines too. Luckily I have access to a ton if it :)
  19. crocky

    free range

    Are you talking about psychobunny's free range
  20. crocky

    Gonna make a chameleon jungle gym

    Any updates?
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