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  1. AndrewH

    Update on super babies

    I don't think there is any harm in feeding the beetles, but from what i've read, most chams don't like black beetles. You can always try selling them.
  2. AndrewH

    Opinions on when to cut back on feeding?

    Mine did the same. at 7 months, he lost interest in eating in general and would pick at 1-2 items every other day. Now he is 9 months i cut down to 6 crickets a day about 2 weeks ago. Now he is up to 10-16 cricks. after i gave him a larger bin to eat out of. I think he likes it when the...
  3. AndrewH

    Old cage and New cage (PHOTO INTENSIVE!!!)

    really nice craftsmanship :)
  4. AndrewH

    Eye issue

    from the first pic, im going to guess male, but more base of the tail shots would help to confirm. he looks like a cool little dude :)
  5. AndrewH

    Horn worm size ?

    only problem i have had is that they can whip around and bite pretty hard. I take the mandibles off with a pair of toe nail clippers now.
  6. AndrewH

    Cross-Breeding pics

    he looks awesome, i really like your custom cage too.
  7. AndrewH

    CB pics thread

    Ha! im not exactly the sharpest horn in the clutch. :p
  8. AndrewH

    Lifespan of Coccidia??

    damn... that blows...:(
  9. AndrewH

    Lifespan of Coccidia??

    Hi, I was reading up some coccidia and read, Coccidia are obligate, intracellular parasites, which means that they must live and reproduce within an animal cell. Since they must live off of an animal cell. Does that mean they will die off of equipment?? cages, vines etc? How long can they...
  10. AndrewH

    CB pics thread

    Hey Kristina, Yea he is, I got him from Mike at the SD show from Chad's booth. Thanks for letting me know about the subforum, I wasn't aware of it. :)
  11. AndrewH

    CB pics thread

  12. AndrewH

    My Pygmy Vivarium

    looks pretty authentic :)
  13. AndrewH

    watery feces

    what does it mean if you have solid feces but runny urates?
  14. AndrewH

    Server Upgrade

    so what am i supposed to do at work then??? :confused:
  15. AndrewH

    New family member :)

    Your female looks fine. I wouldn't worry about her putting on too much weight. Females are known to gorge themselves a bit more than males. Is she showing gravid colors at all? If she isnt gravid than maybe you can cut back her diet. I think the legs on her look good.
  16. AndrewH

    New family member :)

    yuppers :)
  17. AndrewH

    Purchased a WC Melleri...

    he sounds like he is freakin huge, is there anyway for you to post a vid for us showing him roaming around?? :)
  18. AndrewH

    Parasite ID???

    Hey Dave, sorry to hear about your long hours, i just worked one too. 12hrs today . blehhhh.... Thanks for the advice, I am going to redo her whole enclosure with steam clean and everything and dump the hibiscus flower this weekend, so i will be sure to pick up some of that peroxide.
  19. AndrewH

    Vid: 1 mo. vs 2 mo. old Melleri.

    Thanks everyone! :) I'm a pretty proud poppa. Ha, yea i guess he loves his home more than hanging out with me and poking him in his head :rolleyes: Thanks :) haha there bros. pat will be catching up soon im sure. :) Thanks to you guys!!
  20. AndrewH

    horn worm feeding ? ?

    not worried about the horn. but i do clip off their mandibles with toe nail clippers. one swung around and bit my bearded dragon in the eye. he had his eye shut for almost an hour after that happened.
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