Thanks, His sire is in the Uk, as thats where I am from,
Here is another, about 4.5 months, this one is from a different blood line, and is getting some good colour too,
This guy has more red in him, and bright blue neon bars, :)
Hi there:), I have noticed today, that one of my 5 month old ish male panthers, was on his pothos and eating a few of the dry/dead leafs,He done it once then I saw him look for another and then went for it,Also I have noticed him biting the
branches, a few times today,
Has anyone ever...
Hi sorted a few things out with their setuPs thought I would take a few shots,
One of my new Males, the older one out the two,
The younger one
My Veiled, He is getting quite big now
My Panther who is very colourful
Fired uP