Does anyone know the best way to take cuttings from a devils Ivy/ pothos,
Mine are growing well and would like to split them, but unsure how,
Hi mate I am quite interested in these, as I have read they are meant to be very good, when I change my bulbs next I may change, the lot to this, But would like to find more info first,
Hi there:), Just wondering does anyone here feed their Plants, if so what are the safe things which I could use,
I currently just water mine but wondered if they benefit from some feeding of some sort, thanks
Hi, where abouts in Essex are you from?
He looks good, it's good that you are sorting out a new enclosure for him, I use reptibreeze's screen cages for all mine they seem to work well. Like Carol said I would be carefull with that bulb inside as he will get to close to it, causing thermal...