I am not sure. He doesn't live with me, so whenever he gets a day offa guess. And I messed up the dripper and made too big of a hole. So I have to make a new one, and my dad won't let me drill holes in the cage. for drainage. And I have nothing to tie it down with right now. And can I take out...
I just gave him another shower and he seems to be doing fine. But, in Florida it is sometimes dry, and sometimes humid. Like right now the humidity is 30 and yesterday it was 70. Is that ok that it is always changing?
Lemme check on him. He was looking great 30 mins ago because I opened up the cage to mist, and he was shades of green and blue, and was back to his hissy, sassy self again, and he was climbing all around.
My dad told me that he would build a better cage for him that is bigger, and I am getting him a dripper, I am feeding the crickets carrots instead of the orange cubes from the pet store, and I have a plant all ready for him when he gets better cage. The only problem is that if he ever needs to...
I have to wait until my dad builds me a bigger cage to put in foliage because he cage is sized for a baby because my dad didn't know that he was going to be big.
No, I asked my mom abt ins this morning and she said no and no to a vet either. If something ever goes wrong again, I will probably have to deal with it myself like today